
Coronavirus: an important update

On January 30, we informed you of the potential workplace consequences of a possible pandemic related to the new coronavirus/COVID-19. Six weeks later, it is clear that, unfortunately, the situation has become more serious and now requires employers in all sectors to take concrete measures to limit the risk of spreading the disease within their companies.

Here is an update on the guidelines we proposed to employers a few weeks ago, with further ideas to help them manage the situation adequately. What follows is a brief overview. There are many other issues that deserve special attention.

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2020-2021 Quebec government budget: measures to promote corporate governance practices in favour of the green economy

On March 10, 2020, Quebec Finance Minister Eric Girard tabled his second budget marked by measures to promote the green economy. He introduced significant measures to electrify transportation, reduce GHGs and adapt to climate change. Recognizing that environmental issues and economic development are among the leading concerns of its citizens, the government is addressing a number of the public’s expectations by inviting the private sector to participate actively in the energy and environmental transition.

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The Meubles Léon decision – Advertising credit: merchants, beware!

On January 20, 2020, the Court of Appeal of Quebec, in the matter of Meubles Léon ltée v. Option consommateurs, rendered an important decision in consumer protection law, particularly with respect to credit-related advertising and the strict limitations in relation thereto.

Any business advertising credit or financing options for the sale of its products and services in Québec, or offering credit as a service, should be aware of the rules set forth by the court, which may entail significant changes in how credit is advertised to consumers.

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The Disciplinary Council’s duty to assist an unrepresented party

The lack of legal representation for a defendant or witness in a disciplinary dispute can sometimes raise questions for the opposing party or for the Disciplinary Council as to the duty to assist the unrepresented party.

In Attara v. Dentistes (Ordre professionnel des), the Professions Tribunal shed light on this increasingly common problem.

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