Jean Patrick Dallaire

Lawyer, Partner - Montréal and Quebec City

Québec Bar 2003
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Jean Patrick Dallaire acts as a strategic advisor, risk analyst, negotiator, writer and trainer in matters relating to the legal management of projects, construction documents and claims, regardless of how the work is carried out.

Having pleaded before all levels of the courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, he also remains active in the prevention and resolution of construction disputes.

Jean Patrick is the author of numerous publications, conferences and accredited workshops namely on the industry best practices, both in contractual matters and litigation.

His integrated team, comprised of members from different areas of the firm (business law, litigation, insurance and surety bonds, insolvency, health and safety, intellectual property, etc.), contributes daily to the advancement of major projects.


Pace Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University School of Law, New York, 2001

Student law clerk with the judiciary Québec Superior Court, 2001

Bachelor’s degree in Civil Law, LL.B., Université Laval, 2001

Royal Military College, Kingston, 1998

Areas of Practice

Representative Work

Strategic counsel

Public / electric transport: strategic counsel and development of contractual documents for the project manager in the context of an electrification project of its public transport infrastructures.

Municipal projects: strategic counsel and development of contractual documents for a city in the context of simultaneous projects on its territory: civil and architectural engineering.

J.-R.-Marcotte station: development of public tender documents and other contractual documents for the construction of an ozone disinfection unit for the City of Montreal’s treated wastewater: ozone production, oxygen production, cooling system, ozone destruction, ozone contact in inlet wells, continuous ozonation monitoring unit – general contracting, pre-procurement, design-build-operation-maintenance.

Development of Canadian contractual documents for an international aerospace company – general contracting, construction management, design-build.

Development of joint venture documents and other contractual documents for various Canadian projects (British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec).

Implementation of best contractual practices and development of contractual templates for a Canadian public agency – design-build.

Risk analysis, negotiation and drafting of contractual templates for various gas network expansion projects in a Canadian province – construction management / integrated project realization.

Risk analysis and negotiation for the Toronto Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) project (Crosslinx) – design-build / integrated project realization.

Risk analysis and negotiation for the Toronto Finch Light Rail Transit (LRT) project (Metrolinx) – integrated project realization.

Risk analysis and negotiation for the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership project (Airbus, Bombardier, Government of Quebec) in Mirabel – design-build.

Development of contractual templates for the implementation of biocarbon production plants in several Canadian provinces – construction management.

Negotiation and contractual drafting for the Quartier DIX30 project – construction management.

Negotiation and contractual drafting for the Symphonia POP project – construction management.

Development of contractual templates and legal management of construction sites in the context of receivership of service areas – stipulated / cost plus basis.

Negotiation and contractual drafting as part of a CLSC expansion project – construction management.

How ZECs can obtain an exemption from the Act respecting Labour Relations, Vocational Training and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry.

Supreme Court of Canada

Cinar Corporation v. Robinson, [2013] 3 S.C.R. 1168: copyright dispute.

Québec (Revenu) v. Caisse populaire Desjardins de Montmagny, [2009] 3 S.C.R. 286: dispute involving the recognition of the role of the Crown as an ordinary creditor in respect of the taxes collectible on the accounts receivable of a bankrupt.

Caisse populaire Desjardins de l’Est de Drummond, [2009] 2 S.C.R. 94: dispute concerning the right of set-off in a bankruptcy situation. 

Québec Court of Appeal 

R. Piché Dynamitage v. 9180-6646 Québec Inc. et als, C.A. 2016: dispute over the validity of legal construction hypothecs.

Consortium M.R. Canada Ltée v. CH/CHSLD de Matane, C.A. 2009: dispute concerning the acknowledgement of a withholding right notwithstanding the existence of a performance bond.

Construction BSL v. Ste-Agathe, C.A. 2009: dispute over impact costs related to the contractor’s right to delivery of the work site within a reasonably sufficient time to allow it to respect the initial construction timetable.

Cinar Corporation v. Robinson, C.A. 2011: copyright dispute.




Other Publications

“Le contrat de design-construction : description d’une alternative au mode de réalisation traditionnel pour les projets de construction” (The design-build contract: an alternative to the traditional delivery method for construction projects), revue Carrefour, Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) (Quebec Chartered Municipal Officers Association), Fall 2019

“Démystifier les contrats de gérance de construction” (Demystifying construction management contracts), Journal l’Entrepreneur général of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

“Respect du processus contractuel et quittances finales”, Journal l’Entrepreneur général of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

“Contrats normalisés de gérance : le prix maximum minimum garanti!” (Standard form construction management contracts: the maximum minimum guaranteed price!), Journal l’Entrepreneur général of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

“Pour en finir avec les enveloppes” (An end to envelopes), Journal l’Entrepreneur général of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

“Être ou ne pas être… conforme” (To be or not to be … in compliance), Journal l’Entrepreneur général of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)


Langlois Knowledge

External Conferences


2020 – « Les modes de réalisation d’un projet de construction » (Methods for carrying out a construction project), 76th Conference of the ACRGTQ, Québec

2020 – « L’analyse des risques en construction » (Risk analysis in construction) – Protection FER 

2019 – “Panorama des différents modes de réalisation” (Overview of various project execution methods), at the forum on public markets and architecture of the Association of architects in private practice in Quebec (AAPPQ), March 29, 2019.

2019 – “Le cautionnement” (Sureties), joint conference presentation with Mtre Béatrice Boucher, Langlois Lawyers, March 7, 2019.

2019 – “Contrats normalisés et avis écrits : évitez de perdre vos droits et recours en raison d’un défaut technique” (Standardized contracts and written notices: how to avoid losing your rights and recourses because of a technical default), and “Panorama des différents modes de réalisation” (Overview of various project execution methods), Langlois Lawyers, February 28, 2019.

2019 – “De l’imprévu à la réclamation : aspect pratiques” (From an unforeseen occurrence to the claim), joint conference presentation with Mr. Jean Hudon at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 20-22, 2019.

2018 – “Travaux préparatoires & Hypothèque légale de la construction : ce qu’il faut savoir” (Preparatory work & legal construction hypothecs: what you need to know), conference presentation with notary Sarah Blanchet at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 21 – 23, 2018.

2016 – “Contrats normalisés et avis écrits : évitez de perdre vos recours en raison d’un défaut technique (Standardized contracts and notices in writing: avoid forfeiting your rights due to a technical fault), conference presentation at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 26-28, 2016.

2015 – Les services préconstruction” (Pre-construction services), conference presentation at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 18-20, 2015.

2014 – Second edition of Un Avenir rempli d’espoir, a fundraising activity for the Deschênes-Fabia breast-cancer treatment centre, in collaboration with Les Constructions Béland & Lapointe.

2014 – “L’évaluation de rendement de l’entrepreneur par les organismes publics : une nouvelle chasse aux sorcières?” (Evaluation of contractor performance by public bodies: a new witch hunt?), joint presentation with Marie-Claude Carrier at the Contech Conference in collaboration with Langlois Kronström Desjardins, September 24, 2014.

2014 – “L’évaluation de rendement de l’entrepreneur par les organismes publics : une nouvelle chasse aux sorcières?” (Evaluation of contractor performance by public bodies: a new witch hunt?), joint presentation with Marie-Claude Carrier at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 26 to 28, 2014.

2014 – “La réclamation de l’entrepreneur fondée sur le manquement à l’obligation de renseignement – L’affaire Tro-Chaînes inc. v. Procureur Général du Québec (Ministère des transports du Québec), 2013 QCCS 1356” (Contractor’s claim based on breach of the duty to inform – Tro-Chaînes inc. v. Procureur Général du Québec (Ministère des transports du Québec), 2013 QCCS 1356), presentation given at the 13th study day on contract claims organized by Université Laval in Quebec City and the law firm Fleury Léger, February 4 to 19, 2014.

2013 / 2014 – Numerous in-house training seminars on Standard Form Construction Sub-contracting Contracts ACC1-2008 and additional clauses required.

2013 / 2014 – Numerous in-house training seminars on CCDC Standard Form Construction Management Contracts 5A and 5B.

2013 – “L’hypothèque légale de la construction” (Construction hypothecs) and “Quoi faire en cas de réclamation d’un syndic à la faillite d’un sous-traitant / fournisseur” (What to do when the trustee files a claim in the bankruptcy of a subcontractor/supplier), presentations given at a benefit to fund the research and activities of the Centre des maladies du sein Deschênes Fabia jointly with Les Constructions Béland & Lapointe inc., September 24, 2013.

2013 – “Conseils pratiques tirés de cas vécus pour éviter ou minimiser vos litiges” (Practical advice for avoiding or minimizing litigation, based on actual cases), presentation given jointly with Marie-Claude Carrier at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association), February 20, 2013

2012 – “Politique pour contrer le harcèlement au travail” (Workplace anti‑harassment policy), October 24, 2012. 

2012 – “Développements récents en matière d’hypothèque légale de la construction et du cautionnement” (Recent developments in construction hypothecs and suretyships), presentation given at a luncheon, June 14, 2012.

2012 – “Stratégies et techniques de plaidoirie en Cour d’appel” (Strategies and techniques for arguing cases in the Court of Appeal), jointly with the Honourable Justice Paul-Arthur Gendreau and Raynold Langlois, February 24, 2012.

2012 – “L’hypothèque légale de la construction et les problématiques découlant d’une faillite d’un sous-traitant” (Legal construction hypothecs and problems arising from the bankruptcy of a sub-contractor), to Kingston Byers Inc., a general contractor

2012 – “L’hypothèque légale de la construction” (Legal construction hypothec), in collaboration with Les Entreprises Pol’R Inc., to approximately 20 contractors in the Montréal area

2012 – “Les procédures abusives : de quoi parle-t-on et quelles peuvent en être les conséquences” (Abusive proceedings: what are they and what are the possible consequences?), given jointly with Marie-Claude Carrier at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

2011 – “Que doit faire l’Entrepreneur général en cas de réclamation d’un syndic à la faillite d’un sous-traitant” (What should a general contractor do if the trustee makes a claim following the bankruptcy of a subcontractor?), given jointly with Marie-Claude Carrier at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

2010 – “Leadership : qui sommes-nous, où allons-nous et comment allons-nous y aller” (Leadership: Who we are, where are we going, and how do we get there?), conference presentation given jointly with Raynold Langlois, on the occasion of the forum on Montréal and International Finance held in Paris in collaboration with the Canadian Embassy in France and the France-Canada Chamber of Commerce.

2009 – “Le pire des règlements vaut-il vraiment le meilleur des procès” (Do the worst regulations really merit the best trials?), morning seminar in cooperation with the Montmagny Chamber of Commerce.

2009 – “Comment gérer les causes de retard” (How to manage the causes of late deliver), one-day conference co-sponsored by Langlois Kronström Desjardins and AXA Canada Insurance.

2009 – “Livraison du chantier par le donneur d’ouvrage: prêt pas prêt j’y vais!” (Site completion by contractors: ready or not, here I come!), at the annual convention of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)

2008 – “Le nouveau Code du BSDQ” (The New QBDS Code), one-day Langlois Kronström Desjardins construction conference

2005 – “Ce qu’il faut savoir sur le BSDQ” (What you should know about the BSDQ), morning seminar on construction law, Langlois Kronström Desjardins

2005 – “Réponses à vos questions en droit de la construction” (Answers to your questions on construction la), Alma, one-day conference of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (Québec General Contractors Association)


2018 – 2020 Member of the board of directors and executive committee of the Quebec general contractors association (CEGQ)

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