Daniel Baum
PartnerDaniel’s broad litigation practice focuses on complex commercial disputes and public law matters. He has extensive experience in multi-jurisdictional litigation and arbitration and has regularly appeared before all levels of court in Québec, the federal courts of Canada, administrative and arbitration tribunals, as well as the Supreme Court of Canada.
He represents private and public sector clients across a wide range of industries, including healthcare, technology, maritime transportation, and telecommunications.
Daniel regularly gives conferences on a variety of topics, including trial and appellate advocacy. He is an active member of The Advocates’ Society Mid-Career Advocates’ Standing Committee and was a lecturer at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Law for several years. Before joining the firm, Daniel was counsel for the federal Department of Justice.
- Civil and Commercial Litigation
- Maritime Law
- Appellate Advocacy
- Public and Administrative Law
- Mediation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- Class Actions
- Private International Law
- Internal and Regulatory Investigations, Compliance and White Collar Defence
- Securities Litigation
- Extraordinary Remedies
- Transportation Law
Daniel represented or represents the following clients:
- a multinational pharmaceutical company in a matter before the Supreme Court of Canada regarding fraud and banking law;
- a client before the Supreme Court of Canada in a landmark decision involving international private law and the territorial jurisdiction of administrative tribunals;
- the Chief Financial Officer of a global engineering and construction firm in a multi-jurisdictional class action alleging misrepresentations under the Securities Act;
- Elections Canada before the Federal Court of Canada in a matter involving the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act;
- a major Québec healthcare institution in matters involving Indigenous law and professional liability;
- a major Canadian telecommunications company in a consumer class action involving international data roaming fees;
- the Chief Adjudicator of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat in matters involving the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement;
- a Canadian airline and travel company in an international commercial dispute;
- a major financial institution in a case involving cheque fraud;
- one of Canada’s largest energy companies in proceedings to obtain the disclosure of information identifying online wrongdoers;
- a multinational pharmaceutical company in a Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec investigation and related judicial proceedings;
- a major Canadian university in sensitive matters before the Access to Information Commission.
Professional associations
- The Advocates’ Society, Member of the Mid-Career Advocates' Standing Committee, since 2020
- The Lord Reading Law Society, Member, since 2010
Teaching engagements
- Université de Montréal, Course Lecturer, Advocacy, 2014-2019
- Co-author: “The SCC issues a landmark ruling on the territorial jurisdiction of Québec’s administrative tribunals”, November 30, 2023.
- Co-author: "The Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) launches its first investigations", July 21, 2023.
- Co-author: “Case management arbitration: A resource for alleviating the backlog”, The Advocate’s Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, Winter 2021, p. 10-13.
- Author: “Réussir le mentorat: entrevue avec Me Valérie Lemaire, récipiendaire du prix Excellence en Mentorat du Québec 2020” [Successful mentoring: interview with Valérie Lemaire, recipient of the 2020 Québec Excellence in Mentoring Award], Advocacy Matters, The Advocates’ Society, Winter 2021, p. 24-26.
- Author: “Interview with The Honourable Justice Marie-Andrée Vermette, Superior Court of Justice”, Advocacy Matters, The Advocates’ Society, Fall 2021, p. 20-22.
- Co-author: “Nevsun and Beyond: Canadian Corporations Face Increased Liability Risk for Human Rights Abuses Committed Abroad”, Développements récents en enquêtes internes et réglementaires [Recent developments in internal and regulatory investigations], Service de la qualité de la profession du Barreau du Québec, Vol. 502, 2021, p. 121.
- Co-author: “The Superior Court weighs in on COVID-19 and force majeure”, July 28, 2020.
- Co-author: “No Mulligans: The SCC Highlights the “Difficult Strategic Choice” Faced by Québec Defendants Sued Abroad”, August 5, 2019.
- Co-author: “Norwich Orders and the Notice and Notice Regime: The SCC Splits the Bill for Compliance Costs Between Copyright Owners and ISPs”, September 26, 2018.
- Co-author: “The Competition Bureau Weighs in on Restrictions Faced by Online Eyewear Retailers”, September 14, 2018.
- Author: “The SCC Decides to Hear an Important Case on Transnational Corporate Liability”, June 28, 2018.
- Author: “The SCC Raises the Threshold for Mandatory Interlocutory Injunctions; Québec Courts Follow Suit”, June 11, 2018.
- Co-author: “Corporate responsibility: What happens abroad doesn’t stay there”, The Lawyer’s Daily, February 15, 2018.
- Co-author: “Cheque Fraud: In 5-4 Split, the SCC Upholds and Refines Existing Defences to Conversion Claims Under the Bills of Exchange Act”, November 2, 2017.
- Author: “The SCC Reconsiders Shareholder Oppression Under the CBCA”, December 2, 2016.
- Co-author: “Cheque Yourself: Who Bears the Risk of Employee Fraud?”, April 15, 2016.
- Co-author: “Norwich Orders – Quebec Courts Unmask “Anonymous” Online Offenders”, October 8, 2015.
- Co-speaker: Les fondements de la rédaction [The cornerstones of drafting], as part of the Maîtrisez la plaidoirie écrite training day, organized by The Advocates' Society, Montréal, April 24, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Les règles de droit international privé applicables aux tribunaux administratifs du Québec : les enseignements récents de la Cour suprême du Canada dans l’affaire Sharp (2023 SCC 29) [The rules of private international law applicable to Québec administrative tribunals: recent teachings of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Sharp case (2023 SCC 29)], as part of the Journées stratégiques Droit disciplinaire et droit administratif, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, April 10, 2024.
- Co-president: Maîtrisez les objections [Mastering objections], as part of the program organized by The Advocates’ Society, April 25, 2023.
- Panelist: Nevsun and Beyond: Canadian Corporations Face Increased Liability Risk for Human Rights Abuses Committed Abroad, Développements récents en enquêtes internes et réglementaires [Recent developments in internal and regulatory investigations], Barreau du Québec, November 18, 2021.
- Panelist: Case Management Arbitration, ADRIC Arbitration Forum for CanArbWeek 21: The Arbitration Landscape in Canada, September 21, 2021.
- Panelist: Investigating and Litigating Fraud, CBA National Insolvency Conference, 13th
Edition, Canadian Bar Association, St. John’s (N.L.), September 14-15, 2017.
- Co-host: “Conducting Effective Remote Examinations with Lillian Pan” [podcast], Friends Who Argue, The Advocates’ Society, Season 1, Episode 9, June 28, 2021.
LL.M., Common Law, Université de Montréal, 2010
LL.B., Civil Law, Université de Montréal, 2009
B.A., Political Science, McGill University, 2005