The Expertise of Langlois Lawyers on Display in Two Articles in The Lawyer’s Daily

The Canadian legal community can benefit from the expertise of Langlois Lawyers and find out more about legal developments in Quebec thanks to two articles published recently in the Canadian webzine The Lawyer’s Daily

In an article entitled How Jordan decision will impact disciplinary law, partner Nathalie Dubé revisits the procedural rules applicable in disciplinary law and considers the potential impacts of the Jordan decision on procedure in that area, given the current post-Jordan concerns of the courts. 

In another article involving intellectual property law, entitled News aggregators: ‘Fair dealing’ exception doesn’t apply to headlines and leads, partner Jean-François De Rico and lawyer Pascal Archambault analyze a recent Quebec Superior Court decision on copyright, specifically on the issue of whether the reproduction for commercial purposes of the headlines and lead paragraphs of newspaper articles is permitted by law. 

Congratulations to all the authors.