Elisabeth Neelin
PartnerElisabeth Neelin focuses her practice on civil and commercial litigation and class action defence, touching on a wide range of matters involving all areas of commercial law, including contractual and commercial litigation. She also has substantial expertise in matters of manufacturer, product and professional liability, as well as in consumer protection and regulatory matters.
Trusted by her clients to deliver insightful and effective advice, Elisabeth leads complex business disputes both before the courts and in the context of alternative dispute resolution procedures. She frequently brings together multidisciplinary teams of experts and lawyers, often across multiple jurisdictions, to implement results-driven strategies.
In addition, Elisabeth assists her clients in the technology, social media, health and manufacturing sectors with the management and mitigation of business-related risks, reviewing and advising on the compliance of their operations and business practices with, among others, the requirements of data protection, privacy, consumer protection and language laws in Québec.
Elisabeth regularly publishes on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution matters and has taught on this topic at the Québec Bar School (École du Barreau).
Elisabeth’s work and dedication to her clients’ success have been recognized by Canada’s most prestigious legal directories, including Chambers Canada (Litigation: General Commercial, 2024) and Benchmark Canada (Litigation Star, 2021-2024; Top 100 Women in Litigation in Canada, 2022-2023). In 2018, she was named to Lexpert Rising Stars: Canada’s Leading Lawyers Under 40.
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- Mediation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Product Liability and Consumer Protection
- Private International Law
- Language Rights
- Class Actions
- Internal and Regulatory Investigations, Compliance and White Collar Defence
- Civil and Commercial Litigation
- Professional Liability
- Defending a manufacturer of mining equipment in a complex construction litigation regarding a large-scale mining project.
- Defending various institutions in class actions regarding allegations of sexual abuse in religious and sporting environments.
- Defending manufacturers in class actions involving consumer law and product liability issues.
- Acting for an American life sciences company to obtain enforcement of letters rogatory in Québec.
- Advising various companies in the insurance, health and manufacturing sectors with respect to a compliance audit regarding various aspects of the Charter of the French language, notably in contractual and commercial matters, and in labour relations.
- Representing clients in connection with administrative investigations conducted by various regulatory authorities before administrative tribunals, notably in the health care sector (Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec and professional orders).
- Representing a social media company in contesting the jurisdiction of Canadian courts pursuant to the application of the dispute resolution clause.
- Representing an original manufacturer of industrial equipment in an arbitration related to the performance of supplied equipment and associated production loss.
- Represented foreign states, public authorities and state corporations in disputes involving the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitration awards, as well as other questions of private international law and the immunity of foreign states.
- Represented a public body in a lawsuit regarding the cancellation of a large contract for the manufacture of ambulances involving important questions regarding the termination of a contract following a call for tenders, abuse of rights and damages.
- Represented production companies and other companies in the entertainment industry in several commercial litigation files.
- Chambers Canada – Litigation: General Commercial, 2024
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory – Litigation – Corporate Commercial (Lawyer to Watch), 2019
- Lexpert Rising Stars: Canada’s Leading Lawyers Under 40, 2018
- Benchmark Litigation Canada:
- Litigation Star, 2021-2024
- Top 100 Women in Litigation in Canada, 2022-2024
- 40 & Under List, 2020-2022
- Future Star, 2019-2020
- Co-author: “Commercial contracts: Clauses to help create certainty in uncertain times”, February 10, 2025.
- Co-author: “Amendments to the Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business: take-aways for companies doing business in Québec”, July 11, 2024.
- Co-author: Arbitrage [Arbitration], 2nd Edition, JurisClasseur Québec, Coll. “Droit civil”, Vol. “Procédure civile I”, Fasc. 3, Montréal, LexisNexis Canada, since 2018.
- Co-author: “Le premier jugement au fond au Canada en matière d’action collective portant sur la protection des renseignements personnels est maintenu par la Cour d’appel” [The first judgment on the merits in Canada with regard to a class action in the area of privacy is upheld by the Court of Appeal], June 10, 2022.
- Co-author: “Reform to the Charter of the French Language: an overview of the main amendments“, June 9, 2022.
- Co-author: “Language of commerce and business: your obligations following the adoption of Bill 96 amending the Charter of the French language”, June 7, 2022.
- Co-author: “Does settlement privilege apply when settling a dispute with a public body?”, May 19, 2021.
- Co-author: “New ban on reimbursements affecting patient support programs”, April 15, 2021.
- Author: “Looking to the future: best practices and strategies for litigation and dispute resolution post-COVID-19”, May 22, 2020.
- Author: “The morning after: broadened powers of investigation and enforcement of the Canada Elections Act”, October 22, 2019.
- Author: “Keeping it Canadian: guarding against foreign interference in the modernization of the Canada Elections Act”, August 8, 2019.
- Co-author: “No mulligans: The SCC highlights the ʻdifficult strategic choiceʼ faced by Québec defendants sued abroad”, August 5, 2019.
- Co-author: “Commentaire sur la décision Benisty c. Kloda – L'authenticité : le sens juridique du terme” [Case comment on Benisty v. Kloda – Authenticity: the legal meaning of the term], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, June 2019, EYB2019REP2771.
- Author: “In the name of transparency: the modernization of the Canada Elections Act”, June 28, 2019.
- Co-author: “Unenforceability in the U.S. a non-starter when Google returns to the BC Supreme Court”, August 9, 2018.
- Co-author: “Free internet-service contracts caught up by consumer protection legislation in Quebec”, Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada, Vol. 18, No. 11, March 2018.
- Co-author: “Free internet-service contracts caught up by consumer protection legislation in Quebec”, January 17, 2018.
- Co-author: “What the coming trademark changes mean to pharmaceutical industry”, The Lawyer’s Daily, September 13, 2017.
- Co-author: “Communications entre avocats et experts : le privilège relatif au litige et les devoirs des experts” [Communications between lawyers and experts, the litigation privilege and the duties of experts], La Revue du Barreau du Québec, Tome 74, Éditions Yvon Blais, Fall 2015.
- Co-speaker: Développements récents en matière d’accès à l’information [Recent developments in access to information], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, January 19, 2023.
B.C.L./LL.B., McGill University, 2009
B.A., Carleton University, 2005