Stéphanie Fortier-Dumais
PartnerStéphanie Fortier-Dumais practises civil and commercial litigation. She is a member of the Construction and Infrastructure Law group and acts primarily in the area of dispute prevention and resolution (adjudication, mediation, arbitration, courts of law and standard-setting bodies), including on issues surrounding requests for the adjustment of timetables and financial terms, non-compliance and defects arising during construction and warranty periods, issues arising during calls for tenders, legal hypothecs, sureties, and insolvency.
As a litigator, she is known for being thorough and attentive. In addition, she has authored several articles and is involved in the legal community as a conference speaker.
Stéphanie adopts a collaborative, teamwork- and people-oriented approach in everything she does. She is especially committed to mentoring and recruitment at the firm.
- Regularly represents a range of plaintiff and defendant businesses in contract litigation.
- Acts in the context of risk analyses, contract document reviews, and claims for delays and additional costs in the construction industry.
- Best Lawyers in Canada: Ones to Watch – Construction Law, 2023-2025
- HI-Québec, Member of the Board of Directors, 2015-2021
- Young Bar of Québec City, Member, since 2014
- Québec City’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Participant in the Leadership au féminin program, 2020
- Author: Update of Titre IV “La prescription” [Prescription], in Volume 5, Responsabilité, Collection de droit, École du Barreau du Québec, since 2015.
- Author: Update of “Acquérir et se libérer par l’écoulement du temps - la prescription” [Acquiring or being released by the lapse of time – Prescription], Le Réseau juridique du Québec, since 2017.
- Co-author: “Demystifying the Obligations of the Real Estate Promoter”, November 12, 2019.
- Co-author: “The Legal Construction Hypothec for Work Requested by a Lessee: Scope and Purpose”, October 30, 2019.
- Co-author: “The ABCs of Legal Construction Hypothecs in Quebec”, March 7, 2018.
- Co-author: “Bill 142* and standard construction contracts: are contractors entitled to an adjustment of their stipulated price contracts concluded before May 30, 2017?”, July 4, 2017.
- Co-author: “The Impact of Failing to Comply with the Formal Requirements of a Suretyship Contract”, September 8, 2016.
- Co-author: “The Specific Regime for Termination of a Contract of Enterprise or a Contract for Services: Pros and Cons”, August 22, 2016.
- Co-author: “Certificate From Revenu Québec: Now the Private Sector is Covered Too!”, March 18, 2016.
- Co-author: “Financial Institutions, It’s Time to Assert Your Rights!”, February 18, 2016.
- Co-author: ”Claims for Additional Work: the Consequences of Failing to Follow Contractual Requirements”, August 13, 2015.
- Author: “The Legal Construction Hypothec: a Security Whose Validity Depends on Both Formality and Substance”, August 13, 2015.
- Co-author: “Legal Hypothecs and Legal Persons Established in the Public Interest: a Recap of Applicable Principles”, August 12, 2015.
- Author: “Construction Industry: Hirings and Firings Could Cost You Dearly”, May 12, 2015.
- Co-speaker: Vous avez une réclamation à faire valoir, avez-vous besoin d’une expertise? [You have a claim to make. Do you need an expert opinion?], as part of the Symposium Construction, Québec City, November 7, 2024.
- o-speaker: La gestion des imprévus en chantier et ses conséquences [Managing unforeseen events on the worksite and their consequences], as part of the 22e Journée d’étude sur les réclamations sur contrats, organized by Université Laval's Science and Engineering Department, February 14-15, 2023.
- Co-speaker: L’hypothèque légale de la construction et sa substitution par une autre sûreté suffisante [The legal construction hypothec and its substitution with another security], Langlois Knowledge, Québec City, October 25, 2022.
- Co-speaker: Getting a Clear Picture of Claims Concerning Delay Costs and Impact, as part of the Series of Workshops on Construction Law 2019, Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, November 19, 2019.
- Co-speaker: S’outiller face aux réclamations des entrepreneurs [Dealing with contractors’ claims], organized by the Association québécoise des cadres scolaires (AQCS), November 7, 2019.
- Co-speaker: Regard sur l’hypothèque légale de la construction dans un contexte locatif [A look at the legal construction hypothec in a rental context], Colloque Bail commercial, 4th edition, organized by Thomson Reuters, Montréal, October 8, 2019, and Québec City, October 22, 2019.
- Co-speaker: L’hypothèque légale de la construction au Québec et en Ontario : comment la substituer? [How to substitute the legal construction hypothec/mortgage in Québec and Ontario], as part of the Québec General Contractors Corporation conference, Québec City, February 20-22, 2019.
- Co-speaker: Morning Seminar on Construction Law – Terminating a Contract of Enterprise or for Services, Langlois Knowledge, Québec, May 10, 2018.
- Co-speaker: Qu’en est-il de la responsabilité et des obligations du promoteur immobilier? [What about the property developer's liability and obligations?], as part of the Québec General Contractors Corporation conference, February 21-23, 2018.
- Co-speaker: Morning Symposium on Construction Law – Legal Construction Hypothecs, Langlois Knowledge, Québec City, September 29, 2017.
- Speaker: La réclamation des frais d’avocats encourus : chose possible? [Claims For Incurred Legal Fees – Are They possible?], as part of the Québec General Contractors Corporation conference, Québec City, February 16, 2017.
- Co-speaker: Matin-conférences en droit de la construction : la résiliation d’un contrat d’entreprise ou de service [Morning Symposium on Construction Law – Terminating a Contract of Enterprise or for Services], Langlois Knowledge, Québec City, May 19, 2016.
- Co-speaker: Matin-conférences en droit de la construction : l’ABC des contrats normalisés canadiens [Morning Symposium on Construction Law – The ABCs of Canadian Standard Contracts], Langlois Knowledge, Québec City, April 7, 2016.
- Co-speaker: Matin-conférences en droit de la construction : les travaux de construction et les garanties légales [Morning Symposium on Construction Law – Construction Work and Legal guarantees], Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, December 7, 2015, and Québec City, December 11, 2015.
- Co-speaker: Matin-conférences en droit de la construction : la faillite d’un sous-traitant [Morning Symposium on Construction Law – Bankruptcies of Subcontractors], Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, October 15, 2015, and Québec City, October 23, 2015.
- Co-speaker: Matin-conférences en droit de la construction : l’hypothèque légale de la construction [Morning Symposium on Construction Law – Legal Construction Hypothecs], Langlois Knowledge, Québec City, September 25, 2015, and Montréal, September 28, 2015.
- Co-speaker: Travaux de construction et garanties légales [Construction Work and Legal Warranties], as part of the event Construire un avenir rempli d’espoir [Building a Future of Hope], 2nd edition, Langlois Knowledge in collaboration with Les Constructions Béland & Lapointe inc., Québec City, November 25, 2014.
LL.B., Université Laval, 2013
Canada Exchange Profile – Semester in Common Law at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, 2012