Antoine Veillette
LawyerAntoine Veillette is a diligent and thorough litigator with ample experience handling complex civil and commercial litigation files. He focuses his practice on consumer and environmental law and product liability, assisting businesses of all sizes in resolving their disputes. He also intervenes at all stages of bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings.
Antoine skilfully navigates all aspects of civil and commercial litigation, from negotiating settlements to avoid litigation to pleading before various Québec courts. He leverages his keen analytical and drafting skills when preparing pleadings and legal opinions in a wide range of areas.
Before joining the firm as a student in the summer of 2017 and articling there, he completed a Bachelor’s degree in Public Affairs and International Relations. This helped him develop an understanding of international law, especially international trade.
Antoine practises law in English and French.
- Successfully represented Compagnie d’Arrimage de Québec, a Québec City company specializing in handling solid bulk cargo, in a class action regarding dust-related neighbourhood disturbances.
- Represented Agatha Boutique, an online retailer of children’s and baby products, in its proposal and reorganization under the Business Corporations Act (Québec) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Young Bar of Québec City, Member, since 2018
- Libre Emploi, Member of the Board of Directors, since 2018
- Co-author: “Recognition of the validity of legal fee reimbursement clauses in a loan contract: principles to keep in mind”, June 22, 2021.
- Co-author: “Chronique – Les développements récents entourant l’expertise” [Column on the recent developments concerning expert assessments], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, May 2021, EYB2021REP3284.
- Co-author: “Commentaire sur la décision Acier Century c. Ville de Montréal – Les principes du partage de responsabilité dans le cadre de fautes contributoires” [Case comment on Acier Century v. Ville de Montréal – Principles linked to shared responsibility with respect to contributory negligence], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, October 2020, EYB2020REP3163.
- Co-author: “Commentaire sur la décision G.C. c. Brahm – La responsabilité civile d'un expert et les dommages punitifs” [Case comment on GC v. Brahm – Public liability of an expert and punitive damages], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, August 2020, EYB2020REP3125.
- Co-author: “Appointment of receiver and notice of exercise: will the Court of Appeal settle the controversy?”, May 21, 2020.
- Co-author: “Limiting the economic impact of COVID-19 on your business: planning for recovery”, March 23, 2020.
- Co-author: “Chronique – Le privilège relatif aux règlements” [Column on the settlement privilege], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, November 2019, EYB2019REP2865.
- Author: “Commentaire sur la décision Diakité c. Commission scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries – L'intervention forcée et la saine administration de la justice” [Case comment on Diakité v. Commission scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries – Forced intervention and the fair administration of justice], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, September 2019, EYB2019REP2830.
- Contributor: "Commentaire sur la décision Duguay c. Compagnie General Motors du Canada – La divulgation de la preuve dans le cadre de l'action collective" [Case comment on Duguay v. Compagnie General Motors du Canada – Disclosure of evidence in class actions], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, August 2019, EYB2019REP2812.
- Co-author: “Commentaire sur la décision Ville de Laval c. 9314-0887 Québec inc. – La divulgation de la preuve à la suite des interrogatoires préalables et les différents privilèges” [Case comment on Ville de Laval v. 9314-0887 Québec Inc. – Disclosure of evidence following pre-trial examinations, and the various evidentiary privileges], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, June 2019, EYB2019REP2777.
- Co-author: “Chronique – Les troubles de voisinage : un survol des principes généraux” [Column on neighbourhood disturbances – An overview of the general principles], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, October 2018, EYB2018REP2579.
- Co-author: “Authenticity, Reliability and Integrity of a Recording on a Technological Medium: The Court of Appeal Provides Some Clarification”, September 26, 2018.
- Co-author: “Words Fade Away, but Recordings Remain: the Admissibility into Evidence of Audio and Video Recordings”, September 28, 2017.
- Co-speaker: Les développements récents entourant l’expertise [Recent developments in relation to expertise], training at the Canadian Association of Paralegals, 2021.
- Speaker: Les immunités de divulgation de la preuve [Disclosure of evidence and immunity], presented to the Canadian Association of Paralegals, webinar, February 4, 2021.
- Speaker: “Les différentes immunités de divulgation de la preuve” [The different types of immunity from disclosure of evidence], Éditions Yvon Blais, webinar, October 2019.
LL.B., Civil Law, Université Laval, 2017
Integrated B.A., Public Affairs and International Relations, Université Laval, 2015
International Profile, Semester at Science Po Strasbourg, 2014