Fady Toban

Key practice areas
Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Extraordinary Remedies, Appellate Advocacy, Private International Law, Public and Administrative Law
Québec Bar 2017

Fady Toban is a versatile litigator recognized for his ability to serve on complex cases in a wide range of civil and commercial disputes. He also leverages a strong background in ethics and professional conduct in advising and representing professional orders and various educational institutions. In addition, he serves on constitutional cases before all judicial bodies, including the Supreme Court of Canada.

Fady draws on excellent knowledge of extraordinary remedies to take timely action in urgent situations. On multiple occasions, he has represented businesses in commercial fraud cases requiring Mareva injunctions, Anton Piller orders, or seizures before judgment. As part of his ethics and professional conduct practice, Fady supports both professionals and professional orders at each stage of a disciplinary proceeding, including judicial review. Whether serving large businesses or public bodies, Fady is always appreciated by his clients for his legal reflexes and practical advice.

As part of his strong community engagement, Fady is a member of the Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association (CMLA), serving as Québec’s representative on the committee responsible for determining the CMLA’s interventions in cases before the Supreme Court of Canada. For the past two years, he has also served on the Board of Directors of the Young Bar of Montréal. He is fully proficient in English, French and Arabic. Prior to law school, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in political science from Concordia University.

  • Murray-Hall v. Québec (Attorney General): Represented the Canadian Cancer Society as an intervener before the Supreme Court of Canada in a case to determine the division of powers for the cultivation of cannabis at home.
  • Hak et al. v. Attorney General of Québec: Represented the Fédération des femmes du Québec and the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund before the Québec Court of Appeal in a challenge to the constitutionality of the Act respecting the laicity of the State.
  • Red Hill Valley Parkway Inquiry in Hamilton, Ontario: Represented CIMA+ as part of the Inquiry, chaired by the Honourable Mr. Justice Herman J. Wilton-Siegel of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
  • RJM56 Holdings Inc. v. Bazinet: Represented the directors of a biotech firm subject to an oppression remedy in which the plaintiffs claimed a remedy of nearly $25 million.
  • Best Lawyers in Canada: Ones to Watch – Corporate and Commercial Litigation, 2024-2025
  • Young Bar of Montréal, Member of the Board of Directors, since 2022
  • Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association (CMLA), Québec Representative, since 2021
  • Co-speaker : Pourquoi et comment les valeurs de la Charte des droits et libertés peuvent influencer les décisions de l’Ordre? [Why and how can the values of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms influence the Order’s decisions?], as part of the workshop Ordres professionnels : quelles valeurs encadrent vos décisions?, Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, October 10 and 16, 2024.
  • Speaker: Administrative Decision-Making: Policy Interpretation and Application, presented to the Office of the Kahnawà:ke Kanien’keh:ka Registry, November 27, 2023.
  • Speaker: Administrative Decision-Making 101: the Kahnawà:ke Sanitary Conditions Law, presented to the Office of the Kahnawà:ke Kanien’keh:ka Registry, May 29, 2023.
  • Speaker: L’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion : le temps d’agir pour les ordres? [Equity, diversity and inclusion: time to act for professional orders?], as part of the workshop Quels risques doivent surveiller les ordres professionnels en 2022-2023? Saurez-vous naviguer entre les écueils?, Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, October 12, 2022.
  • Speaker: Le mot en “D” : discrimination en droit professionnel et déontologie [Discrimination in professional law and ethics], Développements récents en déontologie, droit professionnel et disciplinaire, organized by the Québec Bar, webinar, May 6, 2022.
  • Speaker: Clarifier les impacts de l’arrêt Vavilov sur la pratique en fiscalité municipale [Clarify the impact of the Vavilov decision on municipal tax practice], as part of the Valuation Legal Symposium, 1st Edition, organized by the Canadian Property Tax Association – Québec Chapter, Montréal, March 12, 2020.
  • Speaker: Conférence sur le sursis d’exécution au Tribunal des professions [Conference on the stay of execution before the professions tribunal], presented to the Office of the syndic of the Québec Bar, November 1, 2019.
  • Speaker: Conférence sur l’article 11(1) du Code de déontologie des comptables professionnels agréés [Conference on Section 11(1) of the Code of Ethics for Chartered Professional Accountants], presented to the Office of the syndic of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés, October 10, 2019.

LL.B., Université de Montréal, 2016

B.A., Honours in Political Science, Concordia University, 2013