Miriam Robitaille
PartnerPrized for her corporate and real estate law expertise, Miriam Robitaille offers informed advice on business acquisitions and sales, establishing organizational structures, and implementing real estate and financing projects. She leverages her listening skills and extensive knowledge to support companies in developing their commercial activities. Her practice also encompasses energy projects, particularly in the wind power and port sectors. She also advises landlords and tenants in negotiating all kinds of commercial leases.
As a business law partner, Miriam is known for the outstanding versatility and added value she brings to the cases she leads. Her exceptional writing skills in English and French, availability for clients and hands-on approach are phenomenal success drivers for the businesses she serves.
During her studies at Université Laval, Miriam took a keen interest in cross-border business issues and international business law. She completed semesters of study in Sweden and France, and her articling in Hong Kong.
In particular, Miriam has served the following clients:
- a bank syndicate of U.S. lenders in connection with C$2.1 million in financing to acquire a portfolio of 187 industrial properties in Québec;
- large corporate groups and foreign multinationals in relation to a slate of major projects, such as strategic acquisitions, financing arrangements and equity investments;
- various clients in connection with merger and acquisition engagements in 2017;
- clients seeking to dispose of rental properties;
- a seller during the marketing and sale of a portfolio of 10 commercial buildings in Québec City, for approximately $60 million;
- a client in connection with the acquisition of all the shares of two businesses operating in Nova Scotia: a company with commercial fishing assets and a seafood processing plant;
- a client regarding the sale of a significant Port of Québec asset and implementation of a long-term contractual framework with one of the Port’s major stakeholders;
- a buyer in relation to a transaction involving the acquisition of all the issued and outstanding shares of a bathtub manufacturer;
- real estate investors in connection with the acquisition and development of land in Québec City to build a major residential complex;
- a limited partnership with regard to negotiations to create a sustainable commercial fishing venture with local partners in the Maritimes, including entering into seafood marketing agreements;
- energy businesses in negotiating power purchase and other agreements with Hydro-Québec in connection with hydroelectric facilities in Québec.
- Québec City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Member
- Co-author: “Maximizing Energy Project Value: How to make your project a success using collaborative models and adaptive project management”, March 13, 2024.
- Co-author: “Are municipalities entitled to levy property taxes on data centre equipment?”, March 1, 2023.
- Co-author: “Publishing your commercial lease — Protection for everyone”, May 3, 2022.
- Co-author: “Developments regarding Hydro-Québec’s upcoming calls for tenders to supply 780 MW of renewable energy”, July 15, 2021.
- Co-author: “Heritage Handoff Holdings, LLC v. Ronald Fontanella: the importance of fundamental representations and warranties in mergers and acquisitions”, June 22, 2020.
- Co-author: “Commentaire sur la décision Société immobilière Duguay inc. c. 547264 Ontario Limited – La clause restreignant les usages commerciaux d’un immeuble se qualifie-t-elle de servitude réelle? : la Cour d’appel se prononce” [Case comment on Société immobilière Duguay inc. v. 547264 Ontario Limited – Can the clause restricting the commercial uses of an immovable property qualify as a real servitude?: The Court of Appeal adjudicates], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, June 2020, EYB2020REP3062.
- Co-author: “Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on commercial leases: important clauses for parties to consider”, April 14, 2020.
- Co-author: “The Legal Construction Hypothec for Work Requested by a Lessee: Scope and Purpose”, October 30, 2019.
- Author: “Revisiting the Dunkin’ Brands Decision in Light of Ontario’s Minimum Wage Increase”, February 9, 2018.
- Author: “Purchasing an Electric Vehicle While Living in a Condominium: Be Sure to Plan Ahead!”, August 22, 2017.
- Author: “The First Regulations Under the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act Are About to Come into Force!”, August 18, 2017.
- Co-author: “Auto-Generated Juridical Acts: Are Lawyers’ Functions Being Usurped?”, August 4, 2017.
- Co-speaker: Regard sur l’hypothèque légale de la construction dans un contexte locatif [A look at the legal construction hypothec in a rental context], Colloque Bail commercial, 4th edition, Thomson Reuters, 2019.
- Speaker: La vérification diligente lors de l’acquisition d’un immeuble [Due diligence when acquiring a property], Colloque de l’Association de la planification fiscale et financière, 2019.
LL.B., Université Laval, 2011