René-Martin Langlois
PartnerRené-Martin Langlois focuses his practice on infrastructure, construction and public procurement law. His experience covers all aspects of construction projects, from the development of contractual and procurement strategies to the implementation of construction, professional services and procurement documents, as well as the drafting of tender documents and related negotiations.
He advises our clientele on all questions and issues that may arise during the different stages of a project, from contract administration to dispute prevention and resolution. He favours innovative solutions promoting strong collaboration between the parties, efficient risk allocation, effective dispute resolution methods, and a closer relationship between the technical and legal teams.
René-Martin has a keen interest in collaborative project delivery models, such as the integrated project delivery (IPD) and progressive design-build (PDB) models. He also has a particular interest in the integration of technology within the construction industry, including building information modelling (BIM).
In addition, René-Martin is involved in several associations related to the construction industry, including the Integrated Project Delivery Alliance (IPDA) and PMI-Montréal.
- A public transit corporation in connection with a project for the development and electrification of a new electric vehicle hub and the refurbishment of other existing buildings, worth over $700 million.
- A public transit corporation in connection with a project for the development and electrification of an electric vehicle hub (construction management without assignment of lots method), worth over $600 million.
- A port authority in the context of a design-build project for a deep-water container terminal (Laurentia Project), worth over $600 million.
- An agri-food company in the construction of a new automated distribution centre, worth over $420 million.
- A Québec university in connection with a project for the reallocation of the space of two pavilions (construction management with assignment of lots method), worth approximately $400 million.
- A pharmaceutical company in connection with the construction of a manufacturing complex, performed using the traditional model, worth over $245 million.
- A consulting engineering firm in connection with a request for proposals for the reconstruction of the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge (design-build-finance model), worth over $1 billion.
- Several private owners, including in the pharmaceutical, industrial, and manufacturing sectors, in medium-scale construction projects (under $50 million).
- Best Lawyers in Canada – Construction Law, 2025
- Integrated Project Delivery Alliance (IPDA), Member of the Board of Directors and Secretary, since 2022
- PMI-Montréal, Secretary, since 2022
- BIM Québec, Member, since 2021
- Co-author: “Major reform of project delivery methods in the construction industry – Bill 62 opens the door to collaborative methods”, May 10, 2024.
- Co-author: “Maximizing Energy Project Value: How to make your project a success using collaborative models and adaptive project management”, March 13, 2024.
- Co-author: “Électrification d’infrastructures de transport : des pratiques contractuelles énergisantes” [Electrification of transport infrastructures: energizing contractual practices], October 11, 2023.
- Author: “BIM: a tool for substantiating a claim”, October 26, 2022.
- Co-author: “Materials price adjustment clause: A new tool in the construction industry”, 2021.
- Co-author: “Public contracts: The complaint procedure is now accessible to businesses interested in public and municipal contracts awarded by public tender”, June 2021.
- Author: “Will the project delivery method be replaced by an alternative approach?”, October 2021.
- Co-author: “Pilot project to facilitate payment to enterprises party to public construction contracts and allow access to an interim dispute settlement mechanism”, August 2018.
- Author: “Adoption of Bill 108: The Autorité des marchés publics will oversee the process of awarding public contracts through tendering and mutual agreement”, April 2018.
- Author: “Non-compliance in public calls for tenders: A step towards faster dispute resolution?”, January 2018.
- Author: “Public contracts: The Autorité des marchés publics will ensure the honest and fair treatment of tenderers for public contracts in Quebec”, November 2016.
- Co-author: “Private contracts: New requirement to hold a Revenu Québec certificate for construction subcontractors and contractors”, February 2016.
- Author: “Quebec public contracts/voluntary reimbursement program: The end of the story?”, November 2015.
- Co-author: “Quebec: Government tables a draft regulation on IT contracts with public bodies”, November 2015.
- Co-speaker: Les étapes clés d’un projet en mode réalisation de projet intégré : perspectives juridiques et pratiques [The key stages of an integrated project delivery (IPD): Legal and practical perspectives], as part of the Journées stratégiques sur les enjeux dans la construction, Montréal, November 4, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Lutte contre les retards de paiement : état des lieux et perspectives avec le projet de règlement [The fight against delayed payment: Current situation and prospects with the draft regulation], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, October 15, 2024.
- Moderator: Les secrets de la réussite d’un projet utilisant le mode de réalisation de projet intégré : un cas d’étude [Secrets to success of an Integrated Project Delivery method: A case study], Journées stratégiques sur la construction avec un donneur d’ouvrage public et parapublic au Québec, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, March 26, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Planification, adjudication et réalisation de projets : comment optimiser la réussite avant la phase de la construction, Langlois Knowledge, webinar, March 12, 2024.
- Co-speaker: L’obligation de coopération à l’ère des modes collaboratifs [The duty of cooperation in an age of collaboration], Journée d’étude sur les réclamations de l’Université Laval, February 20, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Mode de réalisation de projet intégré : opportunités et enjeux d’affaires et de responsabilité pour les architectes en pratique privée [Implementation of an Integrated Project Delivery method: Business opportunities and challenges, and responsibility for architects in private practice], Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec (AAPPQ), webinar, September 21, 2023.
- Moderator: Survol du mode de réalisation de projet intégré (RPI) [Overview of the implementation of an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)], a workshop at the PMI-Montréal Annual Symposium: La gestion de projet Puissance 3, Montréal, May 9, 2023.
- Speaker: Le contrat traditionnel vs. le contrat collaboratif [Traditional contract vs. Collaborative contract], as part of the symposium Dévoiler les secrets de la réalisation collaborative, Montréal, April 26, 2023.
- Speaker: L’implantation du BIM au Québec : état des lieux, défis juridiques et pistes de solutions [Setting up the BIM in Québec: Overview of the situation, legal challenges and possible solutions], Journée stratégique sur la construction avec un donneur d’ouvrage public et parapublic au Québec, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, March 28, 2023.
- Speaker: Démystifier les aspects juridiques propres au mode IPD : un changement de paradigme favorisant la collaboration [Demystify the legal issues related to the IPD method: A paradigm shift fostering collaboration], as part of a conference day organized by the Chaire de recherche sur la Construction 4.0, Université Centrale Lille en France, March 2, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Documents contractuels de construction et d’infrastructure modernes : ceci n’est pas un litige! [Contract documents in the areas of modern construction and infrastructure: This is not a litigation!], as part of the Congrès annuel de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec : l’entrepreneur général en tête, La Malbaie, February 16, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Introduction à la Réalisation de projet intégrée (RPI ou Integrated Project Delivery) [Introduction to Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)], as part of the Congrès annuel de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec : l’entrepreneur général en tête, La Malbaie, February 15, 2023.
- Co-speaker: L’arbitrage intérimaire, un outil efficace pour solutionner certains enjeux actuels dans les chantiers de construction? [The adjudication, an efficient tool to resolve some current issues on construction sites?], Journée stratégique sur les enjeux dans la construction, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, November 7, 2022.
- Speaker: Les aspects juridiques liés au mode de réalisation de projet intégré (IPD) [Legal aspects related to Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)], as part of the Forum des praticiens organized by the Integrated Project Delivery Alliance (IPDA), June 2022.
- Speaker: Le mode de réalisation de projet « Conception construction progressif » : une solution innovante à découvrir [The project delivery method called “Progressive Design-Build”: An innovative solution which is yours to discover], as part of the 25th anniversary Webinars of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec, May 2022.
- Speaker: Les réclamations COVID dans le cadre de projets de construction dans le secteur public [COVID claims with respect to public sector construction projects], Journée stratégique sur les enjeux de la construction, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, October 27, 2021.
- Speaker: Bilan de l’an 1 de l’autorité des marchés publics [Year One Update of the Autorité des marchés publics], Journée stratégique sur les enjeux de la construction, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, November 17, 2019.
- Speaker: Le fardeau de preuve d’une réclamation pour retards [The burden of proof of a claim for delay], Journée d’étude sur les réclamations (CGC), November 6, 2019.
- Speaker: Création de l’Autorité des marchés publics : Considérations pratiques pour les donneurs d’ouvrage et les entreprises [Creation of the Autorité des marchés publics: Practical considerations for clients and businesses], as part of the Continuing Education program of the Québec Bar, May 2016.
- Speaker: Enjeux fréquents dans le cadre du processus d’octroi des contrats publics [Common issues on the awarding of public contracts], as part of a conference on Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical law, December 2015.
- Quoted: “Obtenir des contrats à l'étranger : quels sont vos droits et obligations?” [Obtaining contracts abroad: what are your rights and obligations?], Portail Constructo, article by Sandra Soucy, March 29, 2023.
LL.B., Université Laval, 2011
B.A., Public Affairs and International Relations, Université Laval, 2009