Vincent de l'Étoile
PartnerVincent de l’Étoile is a partner in the firm’s Litigation group. He has extensive expertise in civil and commercial litigation, class actions, product liability, consumer law and competition law. Vincent is a creative and dedicated lawyer who leverages pragmatism and in-depth knowledge to meet his clients’ needs.
He leads litigation and advises and assists clients in various fields. He focuses mainly on defending the rights and interests of banking, finance, telecommunications, air transportation and manufacturing industry clients. He regularly acts in cases that involve various commercial, strategic and economic considerations. Vincent also assists his clients in non-contentious matters relating to the compliance of their activities, operations and business practices.
He has represented various businesses and institutions before trial and appellate courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada. He also appeared before trial and appellate courts of other Canadian provinces for specific mandates.
Vincent frequently writes articles on class actions and other subjects and has been cited by the Court of Appeal of Québec, the Superior Court of Québec and the Court of Québec. In addition, he is regularly called upon to give conference presentations and to comment on legal developments in the media.
Several noted legal publications have recognized his expertise. In 2015, Vincent was named one of Canada’s leading lawyers by Lexpert Rising Stars, Leading Lawyers Under 40. In 2016, he was recognized as a Rising Star by Benchmark Litigation Canada and listed as a Litigation Lawyer to Watch in the Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada. Since 2017, Vincent has been recognized as a Litigation Star by Benchmark Canada Litigation, and has been listed each year in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory in Class Actions and/or Competition Law. Since 2019, Vincent has also featured in the Chambers Canada Guide by Chambers & Partners for Class Actions (Defence) and Litigation: General Commercial. Again in 2019, Vincent was recognized as one of Canada’s Leading Litigation Lawyers by Lexpert. Since 2021, Vincent has been listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada directory in relation to Class Action and Product Liability. In addition, Thomson Reuters recognizes him as a Stand-Out Lawyer.
Vincent is also co-head of the firm’s Litigation group.
Financial institution – Regulated activities – Consumer law – Financial products and services – Competition law
- Represents a major financial institution in connection with a number of class actions involving fees associated with the use of credit cards, transaction fees and the distribution of insurance products. In addition to the technical and regulatory issues specific to this area, these proceedings involve the Consumer Protection Act and the Competition Act.
Telecommunications – Regulated activities – Consumer law – Class actions – Penal law
- Represents a telecommunications company in various class actions and alleged penal offences in relation to consumer law issues, in addition to other matters pertaining to its dealings with its clientele, business partners and other industry stakeholders. These mandates often involve technical and complex issues in a specialized regulation scheme and require the collaboration and integration of resources and various teams.
Industrial equipment manufacturers – Manufacturer's liability – Product design and warranties
- Represents manufacturers of agricultural and construction equipment and heavy vehicles in connection with various legal actions involving issues related to the conception, design and performance of a variety of products, as well as the application of legal and contractual warranties. Assists and advises clients in relation to claims brought in various Canadian provinces.
Air carrier – Regulated activities – Consumer law and civil liability law
- Represents an air carrier in the context of a class action and other judicial disputes involving pricing policies and conditions of transportation, damages claims, as well as the compliance of its business practices with the applicable legal and regulatory framework. Theses mandates involve a specialized scheme in relation to a technical and complex industry.
Original equipment manufacturers – Competition law – Civil liability – Class actions
- Represents various electronic, technology and automobile industry original equipment manufacturers in the context of class actions involving price fixing and anticompetitive agreement in relation to components and products directed to distribution chains or the consumer market. These cases often involve teams over various jurisdictions and coordination on a national and international level.
Human rights and freedoms – Supreme Court of Canada – Pro bono
- Represented the Young Bar of Montréal as an intervener before the Supreme Court of Canada in the matter of McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, [2014] 2 S.C.R. 108, on a pro bono basis. The case dealt with mandatory retirement policies in the legal profession and alleged discrimination and infringements to human rights principles under the law of British Columbia and globally.
- Chambers Canada:
- Class Action (Defence), 2019-2024
- Litigation: General Commercial, 2019-2021
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory:
- Class Actions, 2017-2020 and 2022-2024
- Competition Law, 2021
- Lexpert Special Edition – Canada’s Leading Litigation Lawyers, 2019
- Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada – Litigation Lawyer to Watch, 2016
- Lexpert Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40, 2015
- Benchmark Litigation Canada:
- Litigation Star, 2017-2024
- Future Star, 2016
- Best Lawyers in Canada:
- Class Action, 2021-2025
- Product Liability, 2021-2025
- Thomson Reuters – Stand-Out Lawyers, 2022-2023
- Winner of the Coupe du Doyen, moot competition at Université Laval's Faculty of Law (Best-Pleader Honours in quarterfinals), 2004
- Éducaloi, Friend, since 2016
- The Canadian Institute, Contributing Editor to the Class Action Review, 2016-2017
- Defense Research Institute (DRI), Member, since 2015
- Canadian Bar Association:
- Member, since 2012
- Member of the Measuring Diversity national subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Equality, 2011-2012
- Québec Bar, Member of the Fonds d’aide aux actions collectives subcommittee of the Class Actions Committee, since 2012
- Young Bar of Montreal:
- Member, 2008-2015
- Contributing writer to the Research and Legislation Committee’s blog, 2012
- Young Bar of Québec City, Member, 2005-2008
- Jean-Pictet International Humanitarian Law Competition, Collonges-la-Rouge, France, Participant, 2005
- Revision Committee for the Université Laval’s Law Students Charter, Member, 2004
- Co-author: “Bill 72: New contractual requirements and credit provisions”, September 17, 2024.
- Co-author: “Consumer protection: Draft regulations regarding new monetary administrative penalties (and more new penal fines)”, September 13, 2024.
- Co-author: “Equity, instalment sale contract and questions of law at the authorization stage”, November 1, 2023.
- Co-author: “An Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods”, October 19, 2023.
- Co-author: “Bill 29: New obligations to consumers regarding the quality, durability and repairability of goods and amendments to the Consumer Protection Act. Manufacturers and merchants, get ready…”, June 13, 2023.
- Co-author: “Québec government tables bill to streamline access to justice in civil cases (and amend civil procedure)”, March 16, 2023.
- Co-author: “Le premier jugement au fond au Canada en matière d’action collective portant sur la protection des renseignements personnels est maintenu par la Cour d’appel” [The first judgment on the merits in Canada with regard to a class action in the area of privacy is upheld by the Court of Appeal], June 10, 2022.
- Author: “Confidentiality of documents and commercial interests in a class action: Criteria and proof on a balance of probabilities”, February 9, 2022.
- Co-author: “Class actions: Supreme Court of Canada upholds the status quo over authorization criteria in Quebec”, November 2, 2020.
- Co-author: “Should I stay or should I go…? The decision in Micron Technology Inc. and the suspension of multijurisdictional class actions“, October 5, 2020.
- Author: “COVID-19: calculation of prescription periods, forfeiture periods and procedural deadlines to resume on September 1, 2020”, July 14, 2020.
- Co-author: “The Meubles Léon decision – Advertising credit: merchants, beware!”, March 3, 2020.
- Co-author: “Cannabis: “Consumer” Protection”, November 9, 2018.
- Author: “Are Repetitive Class Actions Res Judicata or Abusive (And What Future for the Authorization Stage)?”, September 13, 2018.
- Author: “Regulation Respecting the Application of the Consumer Protection Act and Entry into Force of the New Provisions of the Act: Countdown to July 2019”, July 13, 2018.
- Author: “Loyalty Programs, Consumer Credit and Advertising to Consumers: New Rules for Quebec Merchants”, February 16, 2018.
- Author: “Class Actions: 2017 Recap & 2018 Forecast”, January 19, 2018.
- Author: “Class Actions Are (Not) Getting Some Appeal in Quebec”, October 31, 2017.
- Author: “Bill 134: Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act and Novel Issues for Quebec Merchants”, May 11, 2017.
- Author: “Class Actions: 2016 Recap & 2017 Forecast”, January 9, 2017.
- Co-author: “Multijurisdictional Class Actions: Fewer Boundaries”, November 9, 2016.
- Co-author: “The Supreme Court of Canada Confirms the Primacy of the Professional Secrecy of Lawyers and Notaries Over Government Audits”, June 9, 2016.
- Author: “Changes Governing Class Actions in Quebec”, January 20, 2016.
- Co-author: “Multijurisdictional Class Actions: the Companion Case’s Evidentiary Record Cannot be Blindly Imported into Quebec”, September 17, 2015.
- Co-author: “The Limit to the Insurer’s Subrogatory Action Against the Manufacturer”, March 9, 2015.
- Author: “Small Claims: Upcoming Increase of the Ceiling to $15,000”, October 15, 2014.
- Author: “Engaging and Competing in Conspiracy Class Actions in Quebec”, April 16, 2014.
- Author: “Class Actions: the Supreme Court of Canada Reaffirms the Flexibility of the Conditions for the Authorization of a Class Action in Quebec”, January 21, 2014.
- Author: “Class Actions and the Securities Act”, July 23, 2013.
- Author: “The Supreme Court of Canada Confirms Amounts of Settlements are Protected by Settlement Privilege”, July 2, 2013.
- Co-author: “L’action collective en droit de la consommation : une analyse statistique” [Consumer protection class actions: A statistical analysis], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la qualité de la profession, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 566, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2024, p. 3.
- Co-author: “Les défis que pose une action collective fondée sur le vice de consentement et la discrimination systémique au stade de l’autorisation” [The challenges of class actions based on lack of consent and systemic discrimination at the authorization stage], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, December 2023, EYB2023REP3691.
- Co-author: “La faute contributoire d’un manufacturier lorsqu’informé du vice affectant une composante du bien qu’il fabrique justifie un partage de responsabilité” [The contributive fault by the assembler once informed of a defect affecting a component of the product warrant the apportionement of liability], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, November 2023, EYB2023REP3685.
- Co-author: “L’action collective et le droit de la consommation : une alliance pérenne” [Class Proceedings and Consumer Protection Law: A Lasting Alliance], Les 50 ans de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur et l’évolution du droit de la consommation (Fondation Claude Masse), Éditions Yvon Blais, 2022, p. 55.
- Co-author: “Le commerce électronique” [e-Commerce], Guide de démarrage de l’entreprise, 3rd Edition, Jeune Barreau de Montréal, p. 71.
- Author: “Les paramètres de la chose jugée et de l’abus en regard d’une action collective visant un même sujet qu’un recours analogue antérieurement rejeté” [The parameters of res judicata and abuse of process with regard to class proceedings having previously been dismissed], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, August 2021, EYB2021REP3314.
- Author: “La dualité de traitement des allégations et de la preuve de l’intimé au stade de l’autorisation d’exercer une action collective” [Dual treatment for the allegations of the claim and the evidence adduced by the defendant at the authorization stage], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, March 2021, EYB2021REP3245.
- Co-author: “Aggregate Damages in Quebec Competition Class Action: Solving the Paradox”, Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la qualité de la profession, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 480, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2020, p. 55.
- Co-author: “L’autorisation d’exercer une action collective requiert toujours la démonstration du fondement des causes d’action invoquées en fonction du droit applicable” [Class authorization always incumbent on demonstrating the basis of the proposed causes of action as per the applicable law], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, April 2020, EYB2020REP2696.
- Co-author: “COVID-19 : l’arrêté 2020-4251 et la suspension des délais de prescription extinctive, de déchéance et de procédure en matière civile” [COVID‑19 : Order 2020-4251 and the suspension of prescription, limitations and procedural delays in civil matters], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, March 2020, EYB2020REP2938.
- Contributor: “La divulgation de la preuve dans le cadre de l’action collective” [Disclosure of the evidence in a class action], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, August 2019, EYB2019REP2812.
- Contributor: “Product Liability Case Law Update” (Canada Section), Product Liability Conference, Defense Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 2019.
- Author: “J’ai trouvé un ami… Quel rôle pour l’amicus dans l’action collective québécoise?” [I found a friend… what role for the amicus in class proceedings in Québec?], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 441, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2018, p. 1.
- Co-author: “Un pas vers la reconnaissance de la réclamation de dommages punitifs de façon autonome dans l’action collective : mais où allons-nous?” [A step toward autonomous punitive damages claims in class proceedings: But where are we going?], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, March 2018, EYB2018REP2427.
- Contributor: “Product Liability Case Law Update” (Canada Section), Product Liability Conference, Defense Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 2018.
- Co-author: “L’action collective est-elle votre prochaine locataire? Enjeux et réflexions pour le bailleur commercial” [Is a class action your next tenant? Issues for the commercial landlord], Le bail commercial, 3rd Edition, La Collection Blais, Vol. 27, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2017, p. 123.
- Co-author: “La communication avec une partie non représentée dans le cadre d’une action collective” [Communicating with self-represented litigants in class proceedings], La Référence, Éditions Yvon Blais, June 2017, EYB2017REP2248.
- Co-author: “Judgment-Sharing Agreements”, Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 428, 2017, p. 1.
- Contributor: “Product Liability Case Law Update” (Canada Section), Product Liability Conference, Defense Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 2017.
- Co-author: “L’action collective n’altère pas la nécessaire démonstration du lien de causalité” [Class action proceedings not altering the need to prove causation], La Référence, Éditions Yvon Blais, January 2017, EYB2017REP2106.
- Author: “The Exclusivity of the Montreal Convention in Class Actions Arising From International Air Transportation”, Class Action Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, The Canadian Institute, Toronto, 2016, p. 13.
- Co-author: “L’usage des règles relatives au déroulement de l’action collective au stade de l’autorisation sous le nouveau Code de procédure civile” [The provisions pertaining to the conduct of a class action at the authorization stage under the new Code of Civil Procedure], Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, July 2016, EYB2016REP1979.
- Author: “Quebec’s Singular Class Action Authorization Regime Changes – An Overview”, For the Defense, Vol. 58, No. 5, Defense Research Institute, Chicago, IL, May 2016, p. 77.
- Co-author: “Récents développements en droit de l’action collective au Québec” [Recent developments in class actions in Québec], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 410, 2016, p. 1.
- Co-author: “Action collective – Risques et solutions RH” [Class actions – HR risks and answers], Revue RH, Vol. 19, No. 1, January-February-March 2016, p. 44.
- Co-author: “The Consumer Protection Act Fuels Automobile Misrepresentation Class Action in Quebec: Misfire or Upcoming Trend?”, Class Action Journal, Vol. X, No. 4, Toronto, Federated Press, 2016, p. 667.
- Contributor: “Product Liability Case Law Update” (Canada Section), Product Liability Conference, Defense Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 2016.
- Co-author: “Récents développements en recours collectifs au Québec” [Recent developments in class actions in Québec], Colloque national sur les recours collectifs : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 397, 2015, p. 147.
- Co-author: “The Limit to the Insurer’s Subrogatory Action Against the Manufacturer”, Canadian Insurance Law Reporter, No. 771, Wolters Kluwer CCH, March 2015, p. 1.
- Author: “Le rappel de produit : commentaires sur la responsabilité” [Product recall: perspective on liability], Responsabilité Civile – En bref, No. 26, Éditions Yvon Blais, October 2014, p. 2.
- Co-author: “Engaging and Competing in Conspiracy Class Actions in Quebec: Overview of Applicable Legal Principles”, Colloque national sur les recours collectifs, Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 380, 2014, p. 405.
- Author: “Le commerce électronique” [e-Commerce], Guide de démarrage de l’entreprise, 2nd Edition, Association du Jeune Barreau de Montréal, 2013, p. 54.
- Co-author: “Recours collectif : géométrie du droit d’appel” [Class actions: The geometry of the right of appeal], Colloque national sur les recours collectifs : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 362, 2013, p. 109.
- Co-author: “Interrogations sur l’interrogatoire avant l’autorisation d’exercer un recours collectif” [Questions about the examination process before the authorization to institute a class action], Repères, March 2013, EYB2013REP1331.
- Contributor: “Legal Aspects of Doing Business in North America” (Québec Section), Release 1, Juris Publishing, Huntington, New York, 2012, p. QU‑1.
- Co-author: “Employment Law Class Action: Uncommon Common Issues”, Développements récents en recours collectifs, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 345, 2012, p. 97.
- Co-author: “L’injonction collective : le recours collectif et l’injonction, un mariage heureux?” [Class action and injunction: A good mix?], Revue du Barreau, Vol. 70, spring 2011, p. 63.
- Co-author: “Les 4.2 critères pour autoriser l’exercice d’un recours collectif” [The 4.2 criteria to institute a class action], Développements récents en recours collectifs, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 327, 2010, p. 207.
- Co-author: “Survol de la jurisprudence marquante de la dernière année en matière de recours collectif : de l’avis aux membres à la rémunération du représentant…” [Cursory review of landmark court decisions with regard to class actions: From the notice to class members to the compensation of the representative plaintiff…], Développements récents en recours collectifs, Service de la formation continue, Barreau du Québec, Vol. 312, 2009, p. 161.
- Co-author: “L’heure juste sur l’affaire BCE à la suite du jugement motivé de la Cour suprême du Canada : quand acteurs et institution de prestige se rencontrent” [A clear picture on the BCE case following the well-founded decision of the Supreme Court of Canada: When players and a prestigious institution meet], Point de mire, Vol. 14, No. 4, July 2009, p. 7.
- Co-author: “L’investissement étranger en capital de risque au Canada” [Foreign venture capital investment in Canada], Action Canada-France magazine, Vol. XIII, February 2015, p. 18.
- Speaker: Les actions collectives en droit de la consommation, où en sommes-nous? [Consumer protection law class action, where are we at?], Colloque national sur l’action collective, Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, November 27-28, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Reform of the Charter of the French Language - Bill 96 and Novel Obligations, Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, November 13, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Modifications à la Loi sur la protection du consommateur : Nouvelles obligations pour les fabricants et commerçants en regard de la qualité des biens [Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act: New obligations for manufacturers and merchants in relation to the quality of their products], Fondation du Barreau du Québec, December 11, 2023.
- Speaker: Les fausses représentations : Enjeux collectifs [False and misleading representations: Collectives Issues], Colloque national sur l’action collective, Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, November 22-23, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Projet de loi 8, Améliorer l’accessibilité de la justice et changements à la procédure civile [Bill 8, Improve access to justice and changes to civil procedure], organized by the Canadian Association of Paralegals in collaboration with Langlois Lawyers, webinar, April 13, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Arrêt Marcotte : enjeux constitutionnels en lien avec la LPC [The Marcotte ruling: Constitutional issues related to the CPA], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, December 8, 2022.
- Panelist: La communication avec les membres : Enjeux et réflexions [Communication with class members: issues and outlooks], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, Montréal, November 10-11, 2022.
- Co-speaker: Actions collectives et perspective consommation – les exigences contractuelles de la publicité, la présomption de préjudice et le fardeau de la preuve [Class actions from a consumer’s perspective – Contractual requirements of advertising, prejudice deemed and burden of proof], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, March 26, 2021.
- Co-speaker: Actions collectives : état des lieux – rétrospective et expectatives [Class actions: Situational analysis – Retrospective and expectations], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, March 16, 2021.
- Panelist: Les actions collectives comme propulseurs du droit de la consommation et de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur [Class proceedings thrusts consumer law and the Consumer Protection Act], Colloque Les 50 ans de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur et l’évolution du droit de la consommation, a biennial convention of the Claude Masse Foundation, Montréal, November 4, 2021.
- Speaker: Les actions collectives en lien avec la pandémie mondiale de maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) – 1 an plus tard [Class actions related to the global coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) – 1 year later], Colloque national sur l’action collective, Barreau du Québec, Montréal, October 21-22, 2021.
- Speaker: Les enjeux et incidents au stade post-autorisation [Issues and incidents at the post-authorization stage], Colloque national sur l’action collective, Barreau du Québec, October 22, 2020.
- Speaker: L’affaire Imperial Tobacco : Des sources de la responsabilité, de la prescription et des dommages [The Imperial Tobacco decision: Liability, Limitations and Damages], Éditions Yvon Blais (Thomson Reuters), webinar, 2019.
- Speaker: Application du partage des compétences constitutionnelles en matière d’action collective [Constitutional division of powers in class proceedings], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec (15th Edition), Montréal, March 21-22, 2019.
- Co-speaker: L’action collective est-elle votre prochaine locataire? Enjeux et réflexions pour le bailleur commercial [Is a class action your next tenant? Issues for the commercial landlord], Colloque Bail Commercia, Éditions Yvon Blais (Thomson Reuters), Montréal, November 15, 2017.
- Speaker: L’action collective québécoise... Un an plus tard [Québec class actions... one year later], Congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne des parajuristes, Montréal, June 16, 2017.
- Panelist: Nouveau Code de procédure civile : Bilan de l’an 1 - Recours multijuridictionnels et les intérêts des membres québécois [The new Code of Civil Procedure: review of year 1 – Multijurisdictional class actions and the interests of Québec class members], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, Montréal, March 23-24, 2017.
- Speaker: Colloque en litige civil, droit de l’assurance et de la responsabilité [Symposium on civil litigation and insurance and liability law], Langlois Knowledge, Montréal, September 22, 2016.
- Speaker: Récents développements en droit de l’action collective au Québec [Recent developments in class actions in Québec], Colloque national sur l’action collective : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, Montréal, March 10-11, 2016.
- Speaker: Les développements récents en recours collectifs au Québec : regard analytique [Recent developments in class actions in Québec: Analytical perspectives], Regards 360○, Barreau du Québec, La Malbaie, June 10-12, 2015.
- Speaker: Récents développements en recours collectifs au Québec [Recent Developments in Class Actions in Québec], Colloque national sur les recours collectifs, Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Barreau du Québec, Montréal, March 26-27, 2015.
- Speaker: Les recours collectifs : perspectives québécoises [Class Actions: Québec Perspectives], in the context of the internship program for the students of the Université d'Aix-Marseille (France), Master’s Degree in Law and Taxation, in collaboration with the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Law, 2012.
- Speaker: Les 4.2 critères pour autoriser l’exercice d’un recours collectif [The 4.2 criteria to institute a class action], Colloque du Barreau du Québec sur les recours collectifs : Développements récents au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Montréal, October 28-29, 2010.
- Contributor: Case Law Review in Quebec and Ontario – Bankruptcy and Insolvency (2007-2008): Selected Cases, 4th Pan-Canadian Insolvency and Restructuring Conference, Canadian Bar Association, Vancouver, September 19, 2008.
- Contributor: Handling Claims Involving Landlord/Tenant Relations, Accreditation No. AFC03147 (4UFC).
- Contributor: Preparation of the conference Le partenariat public-privé, Outil de financement du parc immobilier – Perspectives québécoises [A housing stock financing tool: Québec perspectives], 48th conference of the International Association of Lawyers, Real Estate Law division, Geneva, 2004.
- Quoted: “Votre abonnement à Disney+ vous empêche-t-il de poursuivre Disney en justice?” [Does Your Disney+ Subscription Prevent You From Suing Disney?], Radio-Canada, article by Philippe Granger, August 20, 2024.
- Interviewed: “Votre abonnement à Disney+ vous empêche-t-il de poursuivre Disney en justice?” [Does Your Disney+ Subscription Prevent You From Suing Disney?] [radio interview], in Le 15-18, interview by Annie Desrochers, Radio-Canada Ohdio, August 20, 2024.
- Quoted: “La réparabilité est-elle vraiment à notre portée?” [Is repairability within reach?] in Protégez-Vous, article by Lilian Largier, July 29, 2024.
- Quoted: “Court rules taxi permit holders were victims of disguised expropriation”, Law360, article by Luis Millàn, July 22, 2024.
- Quoted: “Les nouvelles exigences pour protéger le français font fuir des entreprises” [New requirements to protect the French language are driving companies away], Le Devoir, article by Zacharie Goudreault, December 29, 2023.
- Quoted: “Loi contre l’obsolescence programmée : victoire pour le garage du coin” [Legislation against planned obsolescence: A victory for the garage down the street], La Presse, article by Julien Arsenault, October 16, 2023.
- Quoted: “Loi 96 sur la Langue française Le ministre Roberge ne compte pas faire de modifications” [Bill 96 on the French language: Minister Roberge does not intend to make changes], La Presse, article by Jean Siag, August 23, 2023.
- Quoted: “Être payé pour voyager avec Grabr” [Being paid to travel with Grabr], L’Actualité, article by Martine Letarte, August 18, 2023.
- Quoted: “Loi 96 sur le français : un frein au commerce international?” [Bill 96 on the French language: A hindrance to international trade?], La Presse, article by Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin and Jean Siag, August 5, 2023.
- Quoted: “Galaxy’s U.S. Move Risks New Delay From Lawsuit Linked To Luna”, Forbes, article by William Bennett, August 2, 2023.
- Interviewed: “Le président de Sunwing présente ses excuses” [Sunwing’s President extends apologies] [radio interview], in C’est encore mieux l’après-midi, interview by Guillaume Dumas, Radio-Canada Ohdio, January 12, 2023.
- Interviewed: “L’agence de voyages Sinorama sous tutelle : Analyse Vincent de l’Étoile, avocat” [The Sinorama travel agency under supervision: Analysis of Vincent de l’Étoile, lawyer] [radio interview], in Première heure, Radio-Canada Ohdio, July 25, 2018.
- Interviewed: “Johnson & Johnson condamné” [Johnson & Johnson condemned] [TV interview], in 24/60, interview by Sébastien Bovet, ICI RDI, July 13, 2018.
- Interviewed: “Charte des voyageurs : début des consultations publiques” [Beginning of public consultations on air passenger rights] [radio interview], in Première heure, interview by Claude Bernatchez, Radio-Canada Ohdio, May 29, 2018.
- Quoted: “New class action process launched in Montreal”, Canadian Lawyer, article by Mark Cardwell, April 10, 2018.
- Interviewed: “Air Transat devra verser 300 000 $ en dédommagement” [Air Transat to pay a $300,000 indemnity] [radio interview], in Première heure, interview by Claude Bernatchez, Radio-Canada Ohdio, December 1, 2017.
- Quoted: “Agreement between Quebec, Airbnb on tax remittance called unique”, The Lawyer’s Daily, article by Ian Burns, September 20, 2017.
- Interviewed: “Le parcours sans faute de Vincent de l’Étoile” [The impeccable track record of Vincent de l’Étoile], Les Affaires, article by Anne Gaignaire, January 14, 2017.
- Quoted: “Class actions grow in Quebec”, Canadian Lawyer, article by Mark Cardwell, January 8, 2017.
- Interviewed: “Vincent de l’Étoile – Langlois Kronström Desjardins LLP”, in Lexpert Rising Stars 2015, December 1, 2015.
Trial Advocacy Seminar, Québec Bar, 2010
LL.B., Université Laval, 2004