Marie-Douce Huard
PartnerMarie-Douce Huard practises civil and commercial law, primarily involving stakeholders in the construction industry. She analyzes contracts, bids and calls for tenders, proactively manages problems encountered during the performance of construction projects, and files the relevant pleadings. She also handles files involving insurance and surety bonds.
Over the years, she has successfully pleaded before various civil courts and administrative bodies and collaborated on major cases, including construction arbitrations in the context of proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, and major trials. She has also represented clients in alternative dispute resolution processes. As an experienced lawyer, she is frequently invited to speak at major conferences related to construction law and at continuing education seminars for legal professionals.
Recognized for her leadership and her focus on practical solutions, Marie-Douce leverages her analytical skills, professionalism, attention to detail, dedication and efficiency to fully understand her clients’ needs and address their concerns. Her leadership skills enable her to capitalize on the potential of each team member.
Marie-Douce distinguishes herself through her commitment in both the legal arena and within her community. She has served on several Boards of Directors, including the Québec Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association Board. As a leader of L’effet A and a partner in the Women’s Leadership program, she is a pioneer in a predominantly male-dominated industry. She actively supports initiatives that foster women’s leadership and is deeply committed to developing women’s full potential.
Assisted a general contractor in one of the most important files involving the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, notably by liquidating, through a year-long arbitration, more than $15 million worth of infrastructure projects involving the Québec Ministry of Transportation.
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory – Construction Law, 2023-2024
- Regional finalist of the Making Our Way contest sponsored by the Secrétariat à la jeunesse, 2009
- Recipient of Québec City’s “Youth Commitment Award”, 2005
- Recipient of the Guy R. Landry Award for Excellence in business law, securities law and academic involvement at the Université de Sherbrooke, 1999
- Recipient of the Excellence Award from the Fédération des Cégeps – Best college company (L’USAGER), 1994-1995
Professional activities
- Bar of Québec City:
- Member, Superior Court Liaison Committee, 2018-2021
- Member of the Board of Directors, 2007-2008
- Chair of the Work/Life Balance Committee, 2016-2018
- Member of the Work/Life Balance Committee, 2009-2016
- Young Bar of Québec City:
- Member of the Board of Directors, 2005-2009
- Chair of the Board of Directors, 2007-2008
- Creator of the Concours Oratoire, 2007-2008
- Creator of a Pro Bono Consulting service for small claims, 2007-2009
- Québec Bar:
- Member of the Board of Directors, 2007-2008
- Member of the Bar School (Professional Development Committee), since 2012
- Junior Chamber of Commerce of Québec City:
- Member of the Board of Governors, 2015-2019
- Member of the Board of Directors, 2005-2009
- Senior Vice-President, 2008-2009
- Chair of the Young Business Personality contest, 2005-2008
- Société québécoise d’information juridique (SOQUIJ), Member of the Advisory Committee
Community involvement
- Académie Saint-Louis, Chair of the Board of Directors, since 2024
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Québec City's Women in Leadership program, Ambassador, Partner and Speaker, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 cohorts
- Québec Construction Association (ACQ), Québec City chapter, Member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, since 2022
- Québec Roadbuilders and Contractors Association (ACRGTQ), Member of the Board of Directors, 2020-2021
- Académie Saint-Louis:
- Chair of the Governance Committee, since 2022
- Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors, since 2022
- Member of the Board of Directors, since 2017
- Member of the Parents' Committee of the Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague building, since 2009
- L’Effet A in Québec City, Leader of the first cohort, 2016
- YWCA of Québec City:
- Member of the Board of Directors, 2002-2005 and 2022
- Member of the Governance Committee, 2002-2005 and since 2023
- Ubald-Villeneuve Rehabilitation Centre, Member of the Board of Directors, 2002-2005
- Young Chamber of Commerce of Québec City, Member of the Board of Governors, 2013-2019
- Breakfast Club, Ambassador of the Visionnaire event, 2017
- Moi mes souliers Day Care Center, Member of the Parents' Committee, 2013-2014
- Cégep de Jonquière, Founder of the company L’USAGER (purchase and sale of used books), 1994-1995
- National Assembly of Québec, Member of the Student Parliament, 1996-1997
Teaching engagements
- Collège Bart, Teacher of the International Contract law course, 2003
- Coauthor: Seul devant la Cour – En matières civiles [Alone before the Court in civil matters], Booklet 1, Fondation du Barreau du Québec, Montréal, January 2016; updated in 2022.
- Author: “Cas pratique : La non-conformité des soumissions et la limite au pouvoir discrétionnaire en cas de non-conformité mineure surtout au nom des fonds publics” [Case study: Non-compliance of bids and limits to discretionary power in case of minor non-compliance, mainly related to public funds], Développements récents en droit de la Construction, Barreau du Québec, 2022.
- Co-speaker: Rattraper un projet qui dérape [Catching up with a project that’s gone off course], as part of the Journées stratégiques sur les enjeux dans la construction, Montréal, November 5, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Conformité des soumissions et gouvernance: vos pratiques sont-elles adaptées aux enseignements récents des tribunaux? [Bid compliance and governance: Are your practices in line with recent court rulings?], as part of the Symposium Construction, Québec City, November 7, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Contrats de construction : ce que les promoteurs et développeurs doivent savoir [Construction contracts: What promoters and developers need to know], as part of the Journée stratégique sur le développement immobilier et urbain, Montréal, September 23, 2024.
- Co-speaker: Le BSDQ : Que doit-on retenir ? [BDSQ: What can be said?], Journée du droit de la construction de l’ACQ, Québec City, March 21, 2024.
- Co-speaker: La gestion contractuelle et la gestion des imprévus sur les chantiers de construction, qualification et effets de la non-conformité « mineure » d’une soumission, assurance, hypothèque et cautionnement : quand l’un s’applique plutôt que l’autre [Contract management and contingency management on construction sites, qualification and impact of the minor non-compliance of a bid, insurance, hypothec and surety: When one applies and not the other], Congrès annuel du Jeune Barreau de Québec, Québec City, May 19, 2023.
- Honorary co-president: Journées stratégiques sur la construction avec un donneur d’ouvrage public et parapublic au Québec [Strategic Day Construction with a Public and Parapublic Client in Québec], organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, March 27-28, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Assurance, hypothèque et cautionnement : quand l’un s’applique plutôt que l’autre [Insurance, mortgage and surety: when one applies rather than the other], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, March 23, 2023.
- Speaker: La gestion des imprévus en chantier et ses conséquences [Contingency management on construction sites and its consequences], as part of the 22nd one-day seminar on contract claims, February 14-15, 2023.
- Speaker: Divers mode de réalisation de projets d’infrastructure [The various infrastructure delivery methods], as part of the Journée stratégique sur les enjeux dans la construction, organized by Open Forum Ouvert, Montréal, November 7, 2022.
- Speaker: Est-ce que la législation en vigueur peut aider à trouver des solutions à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre actuelle (en construction) [Can the legislation in force contribute to finding solutions to the current labour shortage (in the construction sector)?], Congrès de l’AEÉCQ, Québec City, November 3-4, 2022.
- Co-speaker: La non-conformité « mineure » d'une soumission : qualification et effets [The minor non-compliance of a bid: Qualification and impact], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, April 14, 2022.
- President: Journée stratégique sur la construction avec un donneur d’ouvrage public et parapublic au Québec [Strategic Day Construction with a Public and Parapublic Client in Québec], organized by Open Forum Ouvert in collaboration with the Association des firmes de génie-conseil Québec, Montréal, March 30, 2022.
- Speaker: Cas pratique : la non-conformité des soumissions et la limite au pouvoir discrétionnaire en cas de non-conformité mineure surtout au nom des fonds publics [Case study: Non-compliance of bids and limits to discretionary power in case of minor non-compliance, mainly related to public funds], Développements récents en droit de la construction (2022), Québec Bar, 2022.
- Speaker: BSDQ que doit-on retenir [BSDQ: What can be said], Congrès de la CEGQ, February 19, 2020.
- Speaker: Comment faire avec les imprévus [How to deal with contingencies], Congrès de l’ACRGTQ, 2019.
- Speaker: Comment faire avec les extras et les imprévus [How to deal with extras and contingencies], Congrès de l’ACRRGTQ and Congrès de la CEGQ, 2018.
- Speaker: La conciliation travail vie personnelle par une saine gestion de son temps [Achieving work-life balance through sound time management], as part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Québec City's Women in Leadership program, 2019.
- Speaker: Les clauses contractuelles : Soyez vigilants! [Contractual clauses: Be cautious!], November 2018.
- Speaker: Comment faire avec les extras et les imprévus [How to deal with extras and contingencies], Colloque CEGQ, February 22, 2018.
- Speaker: Conference on contract and contingency management on construction sites, Colloque de l’ACRGTQ, January 2018.
- Speaker: La conciliation travail vie personnelle par une saine gestion de son temps [Achieving work-life balance through sound time management], June 7, 2017.
- Speaker: La gestion légale des informations en tant qu’experts en sinistre [Legal information management as claim adjusters], October 4, 2017.
- Speaker: L’analyse de la conformité des soumissions [Bid compliance analysis], Québec City, October 19, 2017.
- Speaker: Comment faire avec les imprévus [How to deal with contingencies], as part of the Journée stratégique sur la construction avec un donneur d’ouvrage public et parapublic, Montréal, October 2, 2017.
- Speaker: L’analyse de la conformité des soumissions [Analysis of bid compliance], Saguenay, November 2017.
- Speaker: Conference on Ethics for the Québec Order of Psychologists, 2003-2004.
- Speaker: Conference to the Association of early childhood centres in the Québec City and Chaudière-Appalaches Regions, 2003-2004.
Influence Leader Program, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Québec City, Fall 2022
Cultivate your political skills training, Edgenda, Fall 2019
LL.B., Université de Sherbrooke, 2000
DCS, Media Arts and Technology (Print Media option), Cégep de Jonquière, 1997