Manuel Côté
, CHRP LawyerManuel Côté is a lawyer in the Labour and Employment Law group at the Montréal office. Appreciated for his ability to listen and his analytical skills, he has a diversified practice that includes both individual employment and collective labour relations.
Manuel advises and represents clients regarding various aspects of labour and employment law. He is particularly interested in labour relations in a unionized setting, including grievance arbitration, collective agreement interpretation, labour relations, negotiation and compliance with labour standards.
During his law studies, Manuel distinguished himself through his extracurricular involvement and academic excellence. He participated in the Laskin Moot Court Competition in Constitutional and Administrative Law, where his team won second prize for the best factums in the country. Before joining his current group, Manuel articled and practised with a national firm.
Manuel is also active within the firm. For example, he is a member of the Francization Committee, whose role is to ensure the firm’s compliance with the Charter of the French language.
He practises law in French and English.
- Dean’s List, University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law, 2017-2019
- Joseph P. Dallaire and Cécile Caouette scholarship, 2017
- Order of Certified Human Resources Professionals (CHRP), Member, since 2025
- Young Bar of Montréal, Member, since 2021
- University of Ottawa's Alumni Association, Member, since 2019
- Co-author: “Étude de cas sur l’admissibilité de la preuve postérieure en droit du travail : départager la preuve postérieure quant à sa survenance de celle postérieure quant à sa connaissance, pour éviter les risques associés à une interprétation trop permissive, notamment quant à la règle de la proportionnalité” [Case study on the admissibility of subsequent evidence in labour law: Distinguishing subsequent evidence as to its occurrence from subsequent evidence as to its knowledge, to avoid the risks associated with an overly permissive interpretation, notably with respect to the proportionality principle], in 50e anniversaire de la Conférence des arbitres du Québec : Un demi-siècle de réflexion et d’évolution, Conférence des arbitres du Québec, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, November 2024, p. 135-156.
- Co-author: “Adoption of Bill C-58: Regulating the use of replacement workers in conflict situations (strikes or lockouts) for federally regulated employers”, July 22, 2024.
- Co-author: “Child labour in Quebec: The dawn of a new legal era”, April 17, 2023.
- Co-author: “How the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec, has affected businesses and what’s in store for employers”, March 27, 2023.
- Co-speaker: Loi sur l’encadrement du travail des enfants – ce que vous devez savoir pour vous y conformer [An Act respecting the regulation of work by children – What to know in order to comply with it], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, July 11, 2023.
- Quoted: “C’est terminé le travail des moins de 14 ans” [Work performed by children under the age of 14: It’s over], Les Affaires, article by Catherine Charron, July 14, 2023.
LL.L., summa cum laude, University of Ottawa, 2019
Certificate, Social and Labour Law, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2016