Michel Cobti
LawyerMichel Cobti has a varied labour and employment law practice. He is especially interested in legal issues relating to labour standards, human rights and freedoms, and workplace harassment.
Michel advises unionized and non-unionized private- and public-sector employers and is regularly called on to independently investigate workplace harassment cases.
Before joining the firm, he was active with a community-based organization that provides legal information on labour standards to the public. He also completed a semester abroad at the China University of Political Science and Law.
Michel practises law in French and English.
Michel has a varied practice that includes:
- defending clients in mediation, conciliation, and in litigation before the courts;
- providing employers with strategic advice in the context of collective agreement bargaining and renewals;
- accompanying employers in pay equity exercises.
- Young Bar of Montréal, Member, since 2022
- Co-author: “Étude de cas sur l’admissibilité de la preuve postérieure en droit du travail : départager la preuve postérieure quant à sa survenance de celle postérieure quant à sa connaissance, pour éviter les risques associés à une interprétation trop permissive, notamment quant à la règle de la proportionnalité” [Case study on the admissibility of subsequent evidence in labour law: Distinguishing subsequent evidence as to its occurrence from subsequent evidence as to its knowledge, to avoid the risks associated with an overly permissive interpretation, notably with respect to the proportionality principle], in 50e anniversaire de la Conférence des arbitres du Québec : Un demi-siècle de réflexion et d’évolution, Conférence des arbitres du Québec, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, November 2024, p. 135-156.
- Co-author: “Psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace: Provisions effective September 28, 2024”, September 11, 2024.
- Co-author: “Recruter du personnel dans une clinique médicale” [Recruiting staff in a medical clinic], Le Médecin du Québec, October 1, 2023.
- Co-author: “Bill C-13: The Official Languages Act gets a revamp”, June 26, 2023.
- Co-author: “A change to the Canada Labour Code adds 10 new days of paid leave for federally regulated workers”, March 16, 2023.
LL.B., Université de Montréal, 2021
Semester abroad, China University of Political Science and Law, China, 2019