Léa Blouin
LawyerLéa Blouin is a member of the Construction and Infrastructure group. She focuses her practice on dispute prevention and resolution (adjudication, mediation, arbitration, courts of law and standard-setting bodies), including issues surrounding requests for the adjustment of timetables and financial terms, non-compliance and defects arising during construction and warranty periods, issues arising during calls for tenders, legal hypothecs, sureties, insurance, insolvency and job-site health and safety.
She advises and guides clients throughout contract drafting, negotiation and performance.
Léa is prized for her thorough and pragmatic approach, and always strives to achieve the best possible outcome for her clients’ specific needs.
- Young Bar of Québec City:
- Delegate for the firm, since 2023
- Member of the Training Committee, since 2023
- Member, since 2018
- Association Femmes Entrepreneures Québec, Member of the Board of Directors, 2018-2020
- Université Laval's Legal Information Office, Volunteer Information Officer, 2016
- Co-speaker: Vous avez une réclamation à faire valoir, avez-vous besoin d’une expertise? [You have a claim to make. Do you need an expert opinion?], as part of the Symposium Construction, Québec City, November 7, 2024.
- o-speaker: La gestion contractuelle et la gestion des imprévus sur les chantiers de construction, qualification et effets de la non-conformité « mineure » d’une soumission, assurance, hypothèque et cautionnement : quand l’un s’applique plutôt que l’autre [Contract management and contingency management on construction sites, qualification and the effects of a “minor” non-compliant bid, insurance, legal hypothec and surety bond: When one applies rather than the other], Congrès annuel du Jeune Barreau de Québec, Young Bar of Québec City, Québec City, May 19, 2023.
Training on the Québec Bid Depository System, 2023
LL.B., Université Laval, 2017
Autumn School on European Union Transatlantic Relations, Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration, Université Laval, 2014