Product Liability and Consumer Protection

Product Liability and Consumer Protection

Product and service quality, reliability and safety are typically paramount to businesses in supply or production chains, and their distributors and retailers. Managing the related risks is vital to sustainable operations, and their reputation and profitability. Our Product Liability and Consumer Protection professionals are well aware of this reality.

We have the experience, knowledge and skills to advise, support or represent businesses at all stages of the supply or production chain in a broad range of areas, including issues relating to design, manufacturing (including allegations of latent defects), reliability, compliance with expected performance, carrying out recall campaigns, bodily or other injury, and enforcing statutory or contractual warranties.

Our main Product Liability and Consumer Protection services include:

  • Drafting supply or service contracts, conventional warranties, warnings and disclaimers or limitation of liability clauses
  • Legislative and regulatory compliance
  • Dispute prevention and resolution
  • Representation before the courts, with the aim of offering strategic support with regard to the potential consequences of an individual action (including in small claims court) or a class action regarding the quality or safety of a product or service
  • Reputational risks related to allegations about the quality, reliability or safety of a product
  • Marketing and advertising practices
  • Any matters relating to the Consumer Protection Act