Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
Keeping a handle on the human and financial aspects of occupational health and safety (OHS) is paramount for employers. Effective decision-making hinges on being apprised of best practices, legislative and regulatory requirements and case law precedents.
Working exclusively for employers, our OHS team has built an enviable reputation for innovative solutions. We advise private organizations and public and parapublic bodies of all sizes and provide a full range of services from legal advice and opinions to negotiation, mediation and representation before the courts. We also support employers in implementing and reviewing OHS policies and conducting audits of OHS practices, while providing practical and targeted OHS training.
We provide OHS services in the following areas:
- Advising employers on preventing employment injuries
- Analyzing and handling physical and psychological employment injury claims (workplace accidents and occupational diseases)
- Advising employers on mental health in the workplace
- Drafting and reviewing workplace harassment policies
- Supporting employers with harassment investigations and proceedings
- Interpreting laws, regulations and collective labour agreements with regard to OHS issues
- Representing employers before administrative tribunals and courts of law, including the Administrative Labour Tribunal and the CNESST
- Advising and representing employers on OHS-related criminal offences (statements of offence)
- Advising employers on OHS system funding and the employer’s classification