René-Martin Langlois appointed to the Board of Directors of the IPDA

October 20th, 2022

Langlois celebrates the election of our colleague and partner René-Martin Langlois to the Board of Directors of the Integrated Project Delivery Alliance (IPDA); his term will begin in January 2023.

“I would like to thank the members of the IPDA for their vote of confidence in my appointment to the Board of Directors. Collaborative project delivery is an exciting solution to the current challenges facing the construction industry. I am pleased to have the opportunity to further promote IPD and the IPDA here in Québec,” shared René-Martin.


About the IPDA
Integrated Project Delivery Alliance is a not-for-profit action-oriented alliance of like-minded companies coming together to create solid foundations for collective success. Founded in February 2015, governed by a board of directors elected by its members, IPDA explores and supports emergent practices demonstrating enhanced industry outcomes and provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge. IPDA’s policies and resources are vetted by a diverse group of practitioners including the owner, architectural, engineering and contracting communities of practice.

For more information, visit the IPDA website.


Congratulations, René-Martin!