Laurence Bourgeois-Hatto returns to Langlois

March 21st, 2023

Langlois Lawyers is proud to announce the return of Laurence Bourgeois-Hatto who rejoins the firm as a partner and member of our Labour and Employment Law team.

"It gives me great pleasure to be back with this great multidisciplinary labour and employment team, which brings together such talented and experienced legal professionals. It is wonderful to be back at Langlois, a firm where I truly feel at home," said Laurence.

Laurence specializes in occupational health and safety, whether it be in the areas of prevention, compensation for occupational injuries, or the funding of occupational health and safety plans. She also has experience in penal infractions prosecuted by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). In addition, she advises employers on a variety of labour and employment law issues, including individual employment contracts, labour standards, labour relations, collective agreement decrees and human rights. Throughout her career, Laurence has developed a particular expertise in labour relations in the construction industry.

"We are delighted to have Laurence back with us. Her extensive expertise in occupational health and safety matters is a valuable asset to both our clients and the firm. Her return underscores Langlois’ success in attracting the best talent," said Jean-François Gagnon, CEO of Langlois.

Welcome back, Laurence!

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