You must submit your Annual Harassment and Violence Occurrence Report by March 1. This is the first deadline for this report, which is required under the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations that came into effect a year ago. The components of the annual report, as per the Regulations, include the following:
a) the employer’s name or the name of the business;
b) the business number as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act;
c) the name of a person who can be contacted about the report;
d) the following information relating to any occurrences for which notice was provided pursuant to the Regulations during the previous calendar year:
(i) the total number of occurrences;
(ii) the number of occurrences that were related, respectively, to sexual harassment and violence and non-sexual harassment and violence;
(iii) the number of occurrences that resulted in the death of an employee;
(iv) if known, the number of occurrences that fell under each prohibited ground of discrimination set out in subsection 3(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act;
(v) the locations where the occurrences took place, specifying the total number of occurrences that took place in each location;
(vi) the types of professional relationships that existed between the principal and responding parties, specifying the total number for each type;
(vii) the means set out in section 32 by which resolution processes were completed and, for each of those means, the number of occurrences involved; and
(viii) the average time, expressed in months, that it took to complete the resolution process for an occurrence.