Véronique Roy and Sean Griffin Publish a Case Comment on Gun Control

Véronique Roy and Sean Griffin recently signed a case comment published by Éditions Yvon Blais Inc. on the Quebec Superior Court’s decision in Association canadienne pour les armes à feu v. Procureure générale du Québec concerning the adoption by the Quebec government of a law on firearms registration. The Court had to decide on the constitutionality of the legislation. 

In their case comment, the authors state that gun registration is a sensitive issue too often informed and dominated by conflicting ideologies. Some people view gun control as an essential public security measure, while for others it is a restriction on individual freedom. However, when adjudicating constitutional issues, whether they involve the division of powers or Charter rights, the courts must refrain from framing the assessment of the issues in terms of the practical effects and consequences of the impugned statute or certain of its provisions. Their assessment must be limited to determining whether or not the contested statute or provision is legal in light of the relevant legal principles. 

To read the case comment, entitled “Commentaire sur la décision Association canadienne pour les armes à feu v. Procureure générale du Québec – Un débat constitutionnel à plusieurs facettes: à qui revient le pouvoir de légiférer quant au contrôle des armes à feu?,” click here.

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