Eric Alexandre Guimond

Key practice areas
Labour and Employment Law, Federal Labour and Employment Law, Language Rights, Employment Law, Labour Relations
Québec Bar 2020

Eric Alexandre Guimond focuses his practice on labour law, privacy, and human rights and freedoms. For several years now, he has been representing and advising private- and public-sector companies and institutions of all sizes and in all lines of business.

Eric Alexandre supports employers throughout their relationship with their employees. Whether drafting documents, developing strategy or managing sensitive issues such as psychological harassment and discrimination, he knows how to keep his clients’ interests at the forefront. Clients value his practical advice, thoroughness and personalized approach.

A former investigator with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, he now assists organizations and businesses in managing reports of harassment, discrimination, sexual violence and ethical misconduct. He conducts in-depth internal investigations into sensitive and complex cases, ensuring that reputational issues are carefully considered for his clients and the parties involved.

  • Young Bar of Montréal, Member, since 2021
  • Co-speaker: Nouvelles dispositions protégeant la vie privée des Québécois : votre organisme est-il sur la bonne voie [New provisions protecting the privacy of Quebecers:  Is your organization on the right track?], webinar, November 9, 2023.
  • Co-speaker: Télétravail et horaire flexible: les meilleures pratiques [Telework and flexible work schedule: Best practices], as part of a training session entitled De la théorie à la pratique : Comment les ordres professionnels peuvent-ils concilier réflexion et action pour mettre en place de bonnes pratiques de gestion et d’encadrement des professionnels [From theory to practice: How professional corporations are able to reconcile thought and action in order to implement good management practices and professional guidance], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, October 12, 2023.
  • Co-speaker: Enjeux numériques à l’ère du télétravail [Digital challenges in the age of teleworking], Langlois Knowledge, webinar, March 15, 2023.

LL.L., University of Ottawa, 2019