
Legal framework for artificial intelligence: Where do we stand in Canada and Quebec?

In recent years, advances in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in generative AI, have been impressive. Whether we’re talking about large language models capable of processing and generating human-like text, self-driving cars, or the facial biometric authentication now used to unlock most cell phones, AI systems occupy a significant place in every sphere of human life.

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Equity, instalment sale contract and questions of law at the authorization stage

On April 19, 2023, in Banque de Montréal c. Chevrette, the Court of Appeal rendered a noteworthy decision on the scope of section 148 of the Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”) and the pricing of goods under instalment sale contract. The decision was rendered in connection with a consumer class action against two financial institutions, a manufacturer and distributors of motor vehicles (collectively, the “appellants”) seeking to sanction the inclusion of a trade-in vehicle’s negative equity when calculating the sale price of a new vehicle under such a contract.

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Reference re Impact Assessment Act: Supreme Court majority rules that the presumption of constitutionality cannot save the Act from being unconstitutional in part

On appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal of Alberta in the context of a reference, the Supreme Court of Canada (the “Court”) recently concluded that the federal impact assessment scheme consisting of the Impact Assessment Act (the “IAA”) and the Physical Activities Regulations is unconstitutional in part.

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